Chapter 26

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Jennie went back inside her house and found her daughter crying on the sofa. The little brunette looks up to her but didn't move or run towards her. The brunette knows that Ella might feel a little guilty on what happened. Lisa gives her a towel as Jennie sits on the table.

"Hey..." she softly said and pokes her daughter's shoulder "Why are you crying?" but Ella said nothing.

"Hey sweetie come on..." the little one looks up to her once more and Jennie's heart breaks "It's my fault that mom is mad at you right now and there'll be no chance to have our family to be complete."

Jennie bit her lower lip to stop the tears from falling "I ruined it for you momma. I'm so sorry." Her daughter stands up and hugs her "I'm sorry." The little girl repeats while crying.

The brunette let her tears fall this time. She hugs her daughter tight knowing that in a few days, everything will change. She's thinking about Chaeyoung's words, how painful it is to hear those words from her wife but can she blame her?

No, because she lied to her. Maybe the redhead will understand if she found out days after they came back but it's already been weeks and her thirty days plan to win her back is slowly fading away.

"You don't have to say sorry baby." Jennie finally answered, she broke the hug and lifts her daughter's chin but Ella is not looking at her "Look at me..." she speaks softly.

She smiles even though tears are still falling freely from her eyes "I know you only want to be close to me and help me win back your mom and I don't blame you for anything."

"Are—are you still going to fix things with mom?"

"I will Ella and I promise you; I won't give up. I will do anything so your mom can forgive me." Jennie wipes the tears from her daughter's cheeks "Please stop crying sweetie; it breaks my heart to see you like this."

Ella nods her head and hugs her momma once more "I love you momma."

"I love you too Ella. Come on, let's get you to bed. You still have class tomorrow." She held her daughter's hand and she stand up but before they walk upstairs, Jennie looks at Jisoo and Hyeri.

"Please find her and make sure she'll be home safe." She said.


After twenty minutes of driving, Hyeri and Jisoo found Chaeyoung sitting on one of the swings at the park and by the looks of it, the redhead is still crying. The two girls quickly went out of the car, umbrella open and run towards their friend.

"Chaeyoungah..." Jisoo said but the redhead didn't look or say anything "Let's get you home. Ella is so worried about you."

"Leave me alone." And she stands up and starts to walk away.

"Chaeyoung please, you'll get sick!" Hyeri said and stops her from walking.

"I said leave me alone!" the tone in her voice is not soft and she's glaring at them "Get Ella to bed. I'll go home when I want to."

"She already said sorry and explained her side. What else do you need from her?" Chaeyoung stops on walking again and look at Hyeri "I don't want anything from her. Is it so difficult if I ask her to be honest with me all the time?"

Jisoo steps in between the two. If they want to talk then she needs to get Chaeyoung home because she knows the redhead a lot and by the way Hyeri is looking at her best friend, the other brunette is taking Jennie's side.

something like love one last time // chaennie Where stories live. Discover now