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"...although they're technology advanced ours and we were no match to their fighting skills, we knew our world better than they did. So we did what we were good at and that was to hide, lay ambushes and most importantly..., try to gain acces to their ships in order to get our hands on basically every kind of technology they used and use that to or own advantage..."

Ellen gave the two girls sitting on the ground by her feet a small smile, she'd told this story so many times before, but something changed over the years, her hatred towards the alien invaders subsided. Like, or trust them, no. But she neither felt hatred either...
Her head was pounding and she pinched the bridge of her nose, to find some kind of relief from the pressure to her forehead.

"Mom, maybe you should take a break? The meeting is in three hours... Are you sure you want to go through with this meeting?"

Nora stiffly walked in, the aversion to the upcoming conversation with the enemy was evident in her whole demeanour and with an impatient gesture of her hand she motioned for the girls to leave the room.

"I may hope you're not pissed off with me, sweetheart?" Ellen cocked her greyish blond haired head to the side, and snickered.

The younger woman huffed in annoyance. "You know I'm not... But a meeting with those..., those... disgusting beast...! How can you even consider talking to those worthless pieces of shit!" And she slumped onto the old grey couch in the communal living room.

Ellen hadn't told her daughter why she considered the meeting so important, even if she had, Nora hated them... The only thing those beast were good for, if it were up to her daughter, was chained and working their asses of for all the horror they let all the humans go through.


Even though Ellen wasn't fond of the Shri'Traccal either, a while ago rumours had reached her, that, on the eve of the war with the Shri'Traccal, earths government's weren't as innocent as the people were let to believe and they'd somehow triggered the Shri'Traccal to strike back hard.

Now, after all those years, for some reason, three days ago, the Shri'Traccal clan leaders had contacted the leaders of the new world to set up a meeting with one of the human leaders living close by. Each of the human leaders would have a meeting with one of them.

Ellen was curious as to why? For all she knew, they'd never contacted any of the leading women before and why they had done this so all of a sudden made her curious, and curiosity was the main reason to accept their enemies invitation. Ohh, she had her suspicions of their reason, it probably had something to do with humanities shrinking population. Due to the war, most men were dead, simple as that... and the one's still alive were mostly infertile, but she would play along and let him or it..., do the talking.

This would be the first time she would see a Shri'Traccal Clan leader up close and she was a little nervous to say the least. She'd seen some of the higher ranked males from up afar and they were huge, ugly motherfuckers, as far as she thought they looked like walking and talking crocodiles or lizards, at least reptilian for that matter...

Ellen thought back to the moment six years into the war, to that fateful night, when the attacks had all of a sudden seized and most of the larger warships left, just like that..., leaving only a handful of the smaller ones behind.

Then, after nine years, out of the blue..., a significantly smaller Shri'Traccal armada reappeared on the horizon. But, unlike the first time humanity came in contact with those assholes, the Shri'Traccal hadn't fired any of their devastating weapons, to be honest..., they hadn't fired a single shot at all at the remaining humans unless provoked.

Today, less than a handful of large warships still hovered the earth, most of the large ships had to land on earth as they had somehow been badly damaged.
From the day the first ship landed on earths soil, the Shri'Traccal claimed the wetlands as their habitat and used the raw materials and the damaged ships to create shelters where they resided most of the time. Within a year most of the ships were completely dismantled, leaving only carcasses behind, now fully overgrown with vegetation.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat