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The music was good and the drinks were strong and cold. Nora and Ellen enjoyed seeing practically the whole clan enjoying themselves. The already quite large stage was enlarged even more for the party and a few young girls were already dancing extensively to the cheerful music. Ellen nudged her daughter with her elbow and nodded her head toward the stage. "Why don't you show what you can do?" Nora threw her head back and laughed out loud.

"MOM! Really?! I'm not a young girl anymore! Let those youngsters take all the attention, I don't need to be in the spotlight." She gave her mother a gentle prod with her arm back.

She let her eyes wander around the crowd in the hopes to find a familiar face, but didn't find him and a pang of dissapointment shot through her gut. Nora scolded herself internally, she had to move on without Birgg!

A movement on her left made her turn her head toward her mother just in time to see a stray tear sliding across her cheek.

"Hey, mom... What's going on, why are you so sad all of a sudden?" Nora wrapped her arm over her mothers shoulder and pulled her closer.

Ellen gave her daughter a apolegetic smile. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I was just thinking about Dakota and how I miss my friend at this moment. I wish she was here to see how everybody is enjoying themselfs..."

Nora kissed her mother on the cheek. "I understand, and I hope Dakota comes back soon. I'm actually curious about that guy of hers. Sasha says he's a dangerous guy..." Her mother gave her a wide grin.

"Didn't I show you the video of him?" Ellen quickly raised her arm and typed something onto the gaunlet Vsar had given her at the start of their partnership.

A blurry image formed over the gaunlet. Slowly the picture became clearer and Nora saw some men in training. She recognized one of the men, for he stoot head and shoulders above almost everyone else... Rhán...

Next to him stoot another man of the same height who, like Rhán, was coarser in build and face than the rest of the Shri'Traccal, and also had a milky white eye, only this man looked creepy, one she'd would rather not encounter in a dark alley.

Her mother's finger came into view and she pointed to a man who was sparring with one of the younger warriors. "That's Bahkat, Dakota's lover!"

Nora looked intently at the smaller man. Just like the giant who was standing next to Rhán, this man looked scary as well. The man had scars all over his body and face, and part of his right horn had been replaced with a piece of metal.

Nora hadn't realized there was so much difference between the Shri'Traccal men. The men in their camp may have looked tough and dangerous compared to the 'normal' human men, but the two men she saw in the video were just plain scary.

"Who is that?" and she pointed her finger at the tall man standing next to Rhan.

"That's Gh'ara, Rhán's Ikat... Creepy fellow isn't it?" Nora nodded.

"He survived Latarji's torture chamber with Bahkat and to be honest I'm glad he's on our side... I don't think you want him as an opponent, especially now that he and his mate have a kid. I wouldn't be amazed that he would literally tear up the one stupid enough to touch his mate or young!"

Nora looked at her mother with wide eyes. She'd heard that a child had been born into the clan of Rhán, but that a woman was crazy enough to crawl into bed with that creep... a shiver ran down Nora's spine.

"He is Rhán and therefore also Birgg's half-brother..." Nora looked at her mother in shock.

"No..." and looked again at the tall devil standing next to Birgg's brother.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now