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Before boarding the small plane, Vsar sent Rhán a message asking Ellen's granddaughter Sasha to pick up a pair of pants from Ellen's home and take them to the landing site.

He signaled in no uncertain terms to his right not to wait for them at the landing site. Needless to say, this fell on deaf ears, as both Rhán and Sasha were sitting comfortably with a glass of cold iced tea and a few sandwiches in hand, waiting for the two turtle doves.

Although Vsar was annoyed that his friend was purposely going against his will, he could see the humor in it, and he became well aware that the relationship between him and Ellen was the first to blossom between the two species and that his Ikat and Ellen's granddaughter were probably mostly curious.

"WHOAHAHAHA!" The moment Ellen got out of the small aircraft and her granddaughter got sight of her bare legs, the girls roared out in laughter and Ellens face turned beet red.

"Sasha! Please! Give me a break!" Ellen turned towards Vsar with an apolegetic gesture.

Vsar already opened his mouth to speak up for his lady, when he got sight of the naked legs of his beloved and a smirk rose from his lips as he remembered the reason they were bare.

"VSAR!" Her eyes widened when she saw the devilish smirk apear on his weathered face.

"I'm sorry my eyséah, I will get you your pants..." But he was everything but sorry, and to enjoy the nakedness of her legs a little longer he walked over to Sasha to get her pants, but not once his eyes left the sight of her legs.

Ellen felt as if her cheeks would burn up from embarresment at the heated look Vsar gave her, and she tried to avoid his eyes as much as possible, but the devilish grin he gave her made insdides swirl, the basterd already knew exactly how to turn her on!

Although the ambiguous comments from both Rhán and Sasha dominated the conversations and the two did not leave their side, Vsar and Ellen managed to part ways without those two snoopers.

"You really love her, don't you?" Rhán asked his friend after they enjoyed a large piece of freshly hunted meat and sat down to enjoy a large glass of Gahl in his huge claws.

After the meal, the two of them had walked to the stream where the youths had spent the past few hours mapping out the ideas and starting to clean up the area.

To his great surprise, the women, without exception, were open to the attention of the men. And to his even greater surprise, by midday, small groups of grown women and older women had formed on the edge of the common room, and though they kept their distance, their facial expressions were mostly curious. He hadn't caught a single woman being hostile yet. Perhaps that would come... Tomorrow the youth would present their plan to the two Taroc, and he had to confess that he was curious about their ideas.

The women who had come to see him this afternoon had stayed far away from him, and although they were curious, the fear of him was unmistakable, even the Shri'Traccal women had often looked at him with such a look, and despite his jealous of his friend, there had been a twinge of longing when he saw the two return and the loving look in the woman's eyes as she and Vsar parted.

"Yeah, maybe even more than I did with my first mate. Even though things have picked up speed with Ellen, it feels good... As it should be..., you know what I mean?" And he gave his friend a sideways glance.

"I think so..." Rhán grinned at his friend. He may have nothing to compare it to, but there was nothing wrong with his imagination.

"That said..., I'm curious what our troublemakers will come up with tomorrow..." Vsar hummed in agreemend.

"Yeah... Me too. There's only one thing I've decided on and that's an arena, I want the men to challenge eachother in a controlled envoirement, 'cause the human females aren't used to our competitive ways. Other than that, I don't really care about what's going to happen to the place, as long as the women are happy with it..."

Rhán snickered."A happy woman doesn't argue, right?"

Vsar grinned broadly. "That's right, but don't let Ellen hear it! I think I'm going to get in a lot of trouble with this kind of talk!"

Rhán looked at him in surprise. "You really mean that this woman has you under her thumb?" He had never seen anyone boss his Taroc around, especially not a woman.

For while the Shri'Traccal women had clearly left their mark on the community, the Taroc were in charge on their homeworld.

"Under the thumb? Who's talking about me being under her thumb..." But he started grinning.

"I just don't feel like arguing with that little lady... You'll find out for yourself some day..." A glimmer of despondency passed over Rhán's face, though it was gone almost immediately, but Vsar had seen it and he cursed his thoughtless words.

Sitting down in a peacefull quietness they stayed like that for a while.

Untill Rhán broke the silence. "Have you heard anything from Gh'ara the last couple of days?"

Vsar took a sip from his Gahl and remained silend for a while, watching the reddish liquid swirl in his glass. Finally he look at Rhán sideways. "I did... Yesterday, and I'm not happy what he told me. It's not, that what he told me that bothers me... It's his gut feeling that has me worried..."

With furrowed brows the Ikat looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Gh'ara couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he strongly suspected that Latarji is up to something. The Taroc wants Gh'ara to use his warriors to hunt women for the clan, something Gh'ara did not agree with, but Latarji left no doubt that Gh'ara has to do whatever it takes. he is expected. What bothered him the most is the fact that Latarji wants him to use all his men for this and that's the problem, that's the thing he doesn't like."

Rhan looked at his Taroc. "What is Gh'ara afraid of? His men are well trained, aren't they? Not that I want him to hunt women, but..."

"That's just it... Why does Latarji want Gh'ara's trained men to hunt women? Gh'ara himself indicated that the women who roam around, are nothing more than bunnies..."

Rhan played with the tips of his horns. "You think Latarjij wants to set a trap for him and his men?" Vsar nodded.

"Yes, thats exactly what he's thinking about, and although he isn't afraid to fight he realises that if something happens to him, you won't have a stable clan to take over, and thats not all... War maybe inevitable..."

Rhán's eyes widened at the words of his Taroc. "Why? What the hell are you talking about?" It almost seemed like there was some kind of conspiracy going on, and Rhán was beginning to worry.

"I've been told through a 'friend' that some Taroc want to join Latarji's side... If that's the case, Rhan, then we need Gh'ara and his men more than we thought."

Rhán nodded thoughtfully, and at one point emptied his glass with one large gulp and held it up for his friend to refill.

"Pour me another one, Vsar... and let's agree on this... If you don't hear from Gh'ara in the next two days, I'll make sure I have enough men ready on standby to get to Europe in just a few hours."

Vsar poured himself and his friend a glass of Gahl and raised his glass..."Well, that's settled then..."

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now