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"I apologize for my rude behaviour. I will accept the punishment you inflict on me, Tároc Vsar." With an impassive face and stiff back Birgg walked in, ignoring everyone's curious looks, he sat down again and looked at Vsar with an unfathomable look.

Vsar nodded briefly in his direction. "We will discuss this later, after this meeting, now is not the time or place for this."

After an uncomfortable and stiff second start, the meeting went smoothly after a short time. The ideas Ellen and Vsar presented were received well by all and with some minor adjustments it was decided to start three days later.

The only person who didn't seemed to be very happy with the progress was, Ghorul. Birgg noticed the man acted off... Ghorul didn't object to any of the plans, nor did he to the alterations, but something was definitely not right, the tall male thought. Even though, there was a large hole in his gut, caused by the hateful words of Nora, there was nothing wrong with his eyes or his powers of observation.

"Birgg, I want you to start inventorying the necessary equipment. Ellen will have two of her clan mates ready in the morning to take over the plans with you." Vsar's raucous voice pulled Birgg out of his thoughts.

With one last look at Ghorul, he turned to Ellen. "Are there any of those old ones, what do you call those things? ... horrific construction vehicles?"

Ellen gave him a big smile. "Your thoughts went in the right direction... Agricultural vehicles and yes I think there are still a few miles away but I have no idea what condition they are in...maybe they are all rusted and rotten, No idea.." Birgg gave her a small smile.

"Don't worry about that, I mostly interested in the frame, I'll fix the rest..." seeing her questionable appearance, his grin widened.

"Believe me... Vsar gave me this job for a reason. If something needs to be made or modified and it's made out of metal, well..., I'll take care of it. Weapons, vehicles, it doesn't matter as long as it's metal." Ellen's frown disappeared. If Vsar trusted him, who was she to doubt it.

Dakota joined the conversation and indicated that she had a good idea of ​​where the vehicles were and offered to look for the vehicles with him in the morning before Birgg met the other two women.

In the meantime listening to her girlfriend and the giant, Ellen looked at the man as unobtrusively as possible.

Just like his brother, Birgg had thick, bulging, muscular shoulders and scars that ran over his face, together with the long sharp fangs that stood out from behind his narrow lips and the unmistakable long, slender ivory horns that emerged from his jaws.

But unlike Rhán, both Birgg's eyes were undamaged and instead of the light grey colour like his brothers, his eyes looked like two sparkling greyish blue diamonds. Sparkling diamond, filled with pain ... Ellen felt sorry for the giant, although she didn't even know the man, the pain he tried to hide was obvious.

Ellen sighed, she remembered the pain that her daughter had felt when Liam was killed and the loss of their baby two months later. But that was years ago, and although Ellen had received her portion of loss and pain, it wasn't like her to hold on to resent and hatred...

If her daughter just looked a bit more like her, then Nora's life would be a lot more pleasant, for herself, but also for Sasha, she thought to herself.

After the tasks were divided and everyone slowly started to leave the conference room, Ellen grabbed Vsar's prosthetic arm as surreptitious as possible.

"Can you stay a little longer? I want to ask you something." He looked at her in surprise, but with a quick shake of the head at his men waiting at the entrance, he motioned for them to leave without him.

"Tell me, what did you want to ask?" He pulled his head to the side a little and studied her soft features.

"Well..." Ellen cleared her throat. Ohhh this was so scary!

"You mentioned Yh'ghul nah seiy, but how could this happen to Nora and Birgg? I mean, it has to do with smell, but your senses are so much better than ours..., how can a human woman well you know this is going on? I mean..., gosh, how am I supposed to explain this to you...? Uhhmm..."

"You mean, how does a human woman know she's the perfect match for a Shri'Traccal man, since she can't rely on the scent...?"

Ellen's face began to blush. "Yes, exactly. Our senses aren't nearly as sharp as yours."

Vsar took a step forward so that their bodies almost touched, and Ellen had to tilt her head back to keep looking at him. He bent his head forward and grabbed her face with the palm of his good hand.

Vsar hoped he had read her signals correctly, if not, he could destroy a lot with this action.

"Even though our senses work differently... you know when someone belongs to you... you feel it with your whole being... Am I wrong Ellen?"

His heart was beating in his throat.

Unable to utter a sensible word, Ellen just nodded.

Vsar lowered his head further, his horns sliding on both sides of her head and his tongue traced the contours of her lips.

The softness of his gesture surprised Ellen, and she closed her eyes. This was the signal for Vsar to press his lips gently against hers, he didn't want to hurt her with his sharp teeth.

He felt her hands work their way up to his jaws, and to his surprise, she pulled his head closer to her, clearly not worrying about his razor-sharp teeth.

His tongue entered her mouth gently and was greeted effusively by hers.

After a few minutes they had to let go of each other to catch their breath, and Ellen looked at him with a crimson blush on her cheeks.

"What I actually wanted to ask you was..." She scraped her throat.

"Was I talking about you? Do you still have to ask...?" His voice was hoarse with excitement and he looked at her with a grin.

The obvious lust in his eyes made sure that the tingles she'd felt in her stomach had now grown into a veritable swarm, and without another word, she pulled his head back down.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя