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After their short but satisfying midnight chat, it didn't take long before Ellen fell in a dreamless sleep.

Although she felt thrilled to see Vsar again, first she had to talk to her daughter about yesterdays event, she didn't go to Nora yesterday, giving her some breathing space after things had heated up badly, and although Ellen was curious of why that strange giant had followed her duaghter, she knew Nora wouldn't tell her.

But now she had to talk to her, if she wanted to see eachother in the eye again.

Quickly she grabbed some clothes and headed out to her daughters place, after their talk she would dress up for Vsar, but this conversation had priority.

"Nora... Nora? Open up will you...?" Even after she knocked several times nobody opened, eventually Ellen let herself in.

The place was to damn quiet, and with her senses on high allert Ellen walked around the house, finally ending up at her daughters bedroom.

Ellen took a deep breath and knocked on the door, and again and again... no one answered...

Carefully she opened the door and found the place nice and tidy despide all the drawers being open, but no Nora. Ellen stepped into the room and looked around, all of the drawers had been pulled empty... Her gaze fell on a piece of paper, lying on bed just below her daughters pillow, and before Ellen had read a single word, she already knew what it would say and tears filled up her eyes, Nora had left...

Downstaors, she heard a door open and close and Ellen knew her granddaughter came home.

"Mom, I'm home!" But it wasn't her mother, Sasha saw comming down the stairs, but her grandmother and her shoulders sank.

"She's gone, isn't she..." She said as a matter of fact.

"I think so... She left a note, but I haven't read it yet... Maybey you want to?" Ellen said while reaching out the letter.

Sasha shook her head. No, she had no desire to read the bullshit words from her selfish mother.

"No, you just read it, I'm done with her..." And she walked to the kitchen to get her self a glass of water.

Ellen looked at her granddaughter and felt sorry for the young woman, how could her daughter leave this beautifull, smart girl, when had Nora become so bitter? She shook her head and started to read what her daughter wrote.

After she finished, Ellen walked into the kitchen where Sasha was and sat down at the table with her. There were tears brimming in the girls eyes, and her mouth were pressed into a thin line.

"Well nothing we didn't already knew, at least we know where she is, though... She left for Nellie's clan..."

Sasha's eye went wide with surprise. "Nellie's camp? What the hell? I heard they torture Shri'Traccal men before they kill them... and she left us to stay with them?!"

Ellen raised her hands to shush her. "Calm down, Sasha... Those are just rumours, I can't imagine Nellie would allow that..." She met the woman several times and although Nellie didn't have the warmest or kindest personality, Ellen doubed, the woman would torture people.

"Look, now your mom is gone, I want you to live with me. So I can keep an eye on you and you can help me with the plans we have with the Shri'Traccal..." She added as she saw the irritated look on her granddaughters face.

Instantly the young womans eyes lit up. "Do you think I will see Ri'kil soon?"

Despite the sadness she felt at her daughter's departure, Ellen couldn't help but smile at the longing look her granddaughter had in her eyes. "I'm sure you will."

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now