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Back at the White Lake Azury clan, Ellen, wringing her hands, paced through the small living room of her house.

"If you keep going like this, you'll get a hole in that rug of yours..." With a smile, Vsar looked at the strained face of his beloved.

"Ha, ha... Funny, Vsar..." Ellen gave the Shri'Traccal leader who stepped, completely bent over, into the living room, an irritated look.

"Where've you been hanging out? You were only going to talk to Birgg, but you were gone for over two hours..." Suddenly she put a hand over her mouth, and looked at him with wide open, startled eyes.

"Nothing bad happened to them, right? Please tell me nothing happened?!" With a long stride, Vsar stepped in front of her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and lifted her up.

"No, eyséah, nothing happened, everything is fine with Sasha and the rest. But..., I've spoken to Rhán, that's why it took so long. Kayla had found a really nice location at an old underground parking garage between her place and Latarji's compount.

But, is almost certain that Gh'ara has been capured... if he is still alive remains to be seen so, we cann't expect any more support from him. Varsa has tried to contact his own team but he couldn't get through to any of his men...

So..., whether they are holding Gh'ara's men imprisoned or whether their equipment has been scrambled, ...we don't know... But for now, they can't give Rhán's troups any support."

Ellen held up her hand to interrupt.

"Wait a minute, love. How do you know for sure they have Gh'ara? I mean, maybe his communication device isn't working... You mentioned that Varsa couldn't get in touch with his team, Right? So, who's to say this isn't the case with Gh'ara's equipment either?"

"Because one of Kayla's daughters was captured by Latarji's men...and knowing Gh'ara, he would never have let this happen. Besides, even if he couldn't do something for the girl right away, he would have messaged Kayla, ...something he didn't do..."

A lump formed in Ellens throat. Poor girl and poor Kayla. She couldn't start to imagine what the woman was going through right now.

"Wait a minute! Why didnt she tell us yesterday? I mean..., could it be a trap?"

The tall man shook his head. "That was my first thought as well, but Rhán was convinced that wasn't the case. Nina, Kayla's daughter was taken a couple of hours after we had contact. Rhán said, and I quote 'She want's Latarji's head if anything happens to her daughter or Gh'ara'...

Huhh...," Vsar scoffed.

"...I don't understands what she sees in that man, I mean, Gh'ara is the biggest roh'kadi, I've ever met, and I met a lot of them! Yh'ghul nah seiy must really run strong in them..."

Ellen laughed at his feigned distaste, but was intrigued by what kind of man Gh'ara really was. She'd already seen a great dislike with Rhán, and although right now Vsar pretended to dislike the man, it was clear that he wasn't quite font of the man either.

"Tell me something... What's so terrible about this Gh'ara? I get the impression that you don't like the man, or am I wrong? I mean, I hear you guys use the word roh'kadi a lot and doubt it's meant kindly, and the moment you mention his name near Rhán I see his face darken... Only your son seems to like him..."

"Varsa,, all he thinks about is fighting, money, and a nice romp between the covers." Vsar scoffed.

"Jet you did put your trust in Gh'ara to deliver the fertility drugs." She frowned her brows.

"Come here and sit down with me. This living room is so small, I can hardly stand up straight in here..." And sat down in front of Ellen's couch on the rug she'd been pacing up and down. Ellen quickly crawled into his lap and snuggled up against his wide chest.

"Look, Gh'ara is a roh'kadi, a... an asshole, I think that's the best word for such a man. Deadly, merciless and ice cold. Rhán fought together with him for a few years under the same Tároc, but their animosity goes back much further.

There has been speculation that Rhán and Birgg's father had an 'affair' with Gh'ara's mother, well 'affair', she slept with men for money. I didn't knew Gh'ara's mothers that well, but I do know that she wasn't kind.

She was beautiful in her youth, but even then she had a rotten character that only got worse with age. Rumour has it that she regularly beaten up her son, or let one of her "lovers" take out his anger on the boy. Although it has never been confirmed, there is no doubt that everything I was told was true... The man has a lot of scars, and not just from fighting... And since the town they lived in was small, well.., you know what it's like, living in a small community..., the gossip is fast and loud.

You know that Rhán and Birgg are a lot taller than any of the other Shri males, right? Well, Gh'ara is also huge, not as tall as the two brothers but taller than the average Shri, which naturally, fuelled the suspicions and gossip even more.

You should know that Rhán and Birgg come from a first-class warrior family and Gh'ara does not, so when they were children they hardly ever met, but when they were old enough to go to the academy they did... and I bet that's when the animosity towards each other was born. You've never met Gh'ara, but you have to imagine that Rhán and Gh'ara have a lot of physical similarities... I don't think that the period at the academy has been very pleasant for either of them.

And as Gh'ara was brought up in de streets, he wouldn't be Gh'ara if he hadn't literally fought his way up the ladder at the academy." Vsar took a sip from his water, adjusted his leg a little to ease the tension, then continued.

"Anyway... a few years after Rhán was assigned to the Tároc, so was Gh'ara.

Since Rhán had already worked his way up, Gh'ara could not resist constantly challenging him and disobeying his orders.

It seems that Gh'ara acted so deadly and mercilessly during an operation, that Rhán had no choice but to retreat, and wanted nothing to do with it. Rhán is a true warrior, but one with compassion, Gh'ara is not, who is ruthless... at least he was ruthless, but he is also loyal... He would never betray his Tároc unless he had no other choice and considering the way Latarji became Tároc, well...let's just say I can't blame Gh'ara for not being loyal to that man...

Frankly... I can't blame him for the man he'd become

Anyway, my gut tells me Gh'ara has changed quite a bit, but we will have to wait and see. It's not even certain he's still alive..."

With large eyes Ellen was looking at Vsar as he was telling about Gh'ara's past, the whole story almost seemed to come from a soap opera!

"But one thing I don't understand. Why didn't they do a DNA test to find out if they are related? I mean, I assume that with your technology this must have been possible, right?"

Vsar shrugged apologetically. "I honestly don't think either of them wanted to know..."

"But how are they going to do this later, if Rhán becomes Tároc and Gh'ara his Ikat? Provided he is still alive of course... Gh'ara will then have to accept Rhán's orders, because I don't think Rhán going to give him some room to cross."

"I agree, it can go both ways... It can go well, but it can also go very, very wrong between those two. We'll just have to wait and see. First Rhán has to take over Latarji's compount and finish that roh'kadi off..."

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now