Spotter || Pierre Gasly

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You and Pierre met at the Gym, you didn't hang out outside of the Gym but you recognized each other for always being there and seeing each others progress. You always wondered where he'd disappear off to for months sometimes. One day you're lifting weights and you find yourself needing help, and there he is.


II always had the worst luck in relationships, always attracting the wrong crowd and falling for the wrong guy, I'd dated 3 people in the last 7 years, I wasn't much of a person for flings, so when I got into a relationship I looked for commitment and that wasn't met ever. So after my 3rd breakup, I decided to just stop seeking love and let nature take its course.

Something that always helped me, ever since I started college was spending some time at the gym. I used to hate working out and any kind of exercise but when I started going to the gym and started working out for myself and at my own pace I ended up falling in love with it. It was a place where I could take out anything I was feeling and put it into something that would make me feel amazing at the end of the day.

I was very constant, I only skipped if I was sick or traveling but always went, I had gotten acquainted with the gym staff and the frequent gym-goers. Since the staff knew me they'd even let me start earlier before opening hours sometimes, the boss had entrusted me with the hidden key spot so I could open the place for myself when I needed to come in early some days before work.

Some days when I came in early I found myself sharing the gym with someone else. He was someone I had recognized as a frequent gym-goer except only a couple of times a year which I found odd. He seemed nice and we exchanged friendly smiles here and there when he came to the gym, he sometimes brought his personal trainer with him.

He was very attractive and the first week I spotted him at the gym the old me was dying to walk over and introduce myself and start flirting, wanting to get to know him but I stopped myself from doing so because of my luck. That still didn't stop me from exchanging a few glances with him here and there and enjoying the view whenever he did some core exercises or lifted weights...and I noticed he returned the gesture when I found myself doing some glute workouts. In my mind, we had this unspoken relationship that I enjoyed and had fun with.


I woke up early, as usual, to head to the gym, I changed and prepared my bag and was about to step out of the house when my phone buzzed. I got a notification that my boss had canceled the 2 meetings I had in the morning which meant I only had one meeting in the day later today. I groaned annoyed that I wasn't enjoying my sleep right now. I still made my way out and decided to make the best of the morning.

I arrived at the gym, took the key from the hidden spot, and opened the door. I closed it behind me and made my way to the treadmill. The gym was empty, I put in my earphones and played loud music like I usually did. I didn't plan on working out for that long today so I'd probably be in and out before the staff even got here.

After warming up on the treadmill and doing some stretching I decided to lift some weights. I headed to the bench and placed 130 pounds on the bar, I lifted the bar off the rack and began lifting as usual, except once I'd done my set and was about to return the bar to the rack one of the hooks on the rack broke making me lose the balance of the bar and it to start coming down onto my neck.

"Sh*t!" I cursed as I tried tipping the weights off the bar but failed, I was starting to panic since the weight was pressing down on my chest and I was running out of breath. I was about to tip a weight off when I finally was able to take a huge deep breath and the bar was lifted off me.

I got up and took a minute to breathe. "Are you okay?" I heard someone behind me.

"Yes, just need a second." I wheezed. I had to calm down from the fright I'd given myself.

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