Wild Spirit II Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc (RQ)

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You and your best friend Charlotte have a very unique friendship, you're quite the opposite of each other but you would do anything for the other in a heartbeat. You love seeing her happy with her boyfriend and seeing how serious she is about him but you just think you'll never understand it because you could never imagine giving everything up for someone else, at least until now.

*Requested by @Celeste_526


Charlotte and I have been best friends basically from the womb, and that's all thanks to the fact that our dads were best friends long before we were both born, they work together so Charlotte and I grew up really close and just as our dads wished we had become best friends just like them.

When I was 6 mom and dad got divorced and I ended up living with dad most of the time, no one ever knew this but I was kind of jealous about Charlotte and her family, how perfect they all looked, happy and full of love, something I saw my mom and dad didn't have now that they separated.

Charlotte is what everyone would define as a good girl and I'm very much a wild spirit that doesn't like to be tied down. What I know for sure though is that she just wants me to be happy but she has this idea that I'm running away from something, and that at some point, I'll have to settle down, and she just wishes I would see that, it was a discussion we frequently had nowadays.

We walked along the streets of Monaco, I was staying with Charlotte for a couple of weeks. I live in Evreux, France, about an hour and a half away from Paris. I loved being in Monaco, it was like my second home, I traveled with Dad back and forth a lot when we were kids. Right now it was my kind of place, always moving, always partying, and always alive, and what happened in Monaco stayed in Monaco.

It used to be hard for me to come to Monaco now that I was an adult though, I could never fully afford it, and of course, Charlotte and her family were always happy to have me but I felt like I was abusing their kindness for staying in their home and eating their food.

On this occasion, I stayed at Charlotte's new apartment that she shared with Charles when he was in town, but right now he was traveling for work. Luckily, Charles and I got along pretty well, when we met I was kind of defensive simply because I wanted to test his intentions with Charlotte but I saw that he was a good guy and we actually got along really well and Charlotte loved that, that her two favorite people in the world got along.

"So when's Charles coming to see you?" I asked Charlotte as we were getting some coffee by the harbor.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, he's having his birthday party here tonight, he's invited so many people, and he of course wants you to be there," Charlotte told me.

"Oh really..." I instantly smiled thinking about a huge Monaco party hosted by none other than Charles Leclerc.

"Yeah, Pierre's gonna be there." She smirked.

Little did Charles know, but the first time Pierre and I met we hit it off pretty well, and let's just say Pierre and I had a pretty long night, and it was the first time ever that you had stayed the night at a guys house, which you didn't plan but it simply happened. The next morning I woke up in Pierre's arms and we even went to breakfast until I realized what I did and I had to get away. The only person you ever told was Charlotte.

"I'll be staying far from him then." I joked.

"Oh c, mon you like him! I can see it in your eyes, you're just too scared of commitment." Charlotte insisted.

"No Char, I just-" I actually had no idea why I had run away from him that day, I loved being around him, my brain just sort of told me to run. "I wasn't interested that's all." I lied.

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