Destiny (P1) II Charles Leclerc

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This was the first time in years you had some time off work. You hadn't been able to finish college because your parents weren't able to afford it and you didn't have enough work experience or a college degree to find a stable well paying job. 

You started working in a restaurant as a cashier 3 years ago and slowly built a relationship with the owners and the rest of the coworkers, you were now working as a bit of everything in the restaurant, and although you didn't get paid well per se it was still enough to make ends meet and pay rent to take that load off your parents who were struggling to make ends meet themselves. 

Your bosses had set prizes for their best employees and if you'd been the employee of the month for 5 months then you'd get an all paid one week trip to Italy and so here you were. You were on a tour boat all alone trying to enjoy these holidays as much as you could although being here had made you realize how much your social skills had gone down the drain since you'd been locked between work and home for the past 3 years. 

Your boat stopped in the middle of the sea by some big rocks which looked to be a popular spot given there were other tour boats and other people in their private yachts. You were given the options to go swimming, snorkeling, or paddling boarding and you decided you'd paddle board for a while. 

You left your things under your towel on the boat before grabbing a paddle board and paddling out. You paddled around for a bit before you decided to lay back on your paddle board and close your eyes and tan for a bit. You placed your sun hat over your eyes. 

It felt like you dozed off for a couple of seconds until you were startled awake as you fell into the water. You panicked but quickly swam up and once you realized what was happening you noticed as your boat was quickly sailing away without you in it. You'd drifter far away from where you had docked with the boat. 

You shouted and shouted for the boat to no avail. You got up on the paddle board ready to just cry, all your things were on the boat, your purse with your wallet, your hotel keys, your phone and you had no idea how you would get out of this. 

You let out a frustrated yell, the echo of your voice bouncing off the boulders. You were startled again when you heard someone yelling behind you. You used your hands to turn the paddle board around and saw a guy from a distance at the back of his yacht waving his hands for you. 

He was gesturing for you to swim over. You started paddling over to the boat, you knew that in no other circumstance you would be heading towards a random stranger alone in the middle of nowhere but you really had no other option right now. 

As you got closer you noticed the front of the boat had some writing on it 'Sedici' it read. The yacht was very elegant and gorgeous and as you got closer you noticed the guy in it was extremely attractive as well. Once you were close enough he held his hand out to you helping you onto the boat.

"Thank you." You say through gritted teeth as your realize how cold it got. 

"Was that your boat?" He asks pointing at the now barely visible tour boat in the distance. 

"Yep, with all my belongings, phone, hotel keys, wallet, clothes." You still feel like you could cry. 

He smiled pitifully at you. "Come." He put his arm around you guiding you down some staircases into a small room that was half a kitchen and half a bed. 

Downstairs he lent me a towel and a shirt. "You can dry off and if you want you can wash up there should be enough warm water" he pointed at a small room off the side. 

"Thank you uhmmm-" you started. 

"Oh Charles," he said his name with a thick french accent giving you butterflies. 

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