Chapter 1: Finding the Base

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Elisa's POV


I leaned over, spotting Dad. He was standing outside the tent, looking around.

I jumped off the branch and landed next to him, tucking my book into my pack.

"Sleeping in trees again?" Dad asked.

I shook my head and walked over to the tent. He raised an eyebrow.

"Really. I slept in the tent, until I woke up a few hours ago and left." I explained.

"You've practically become one with the jungle. Maybe I should leave you here." He joked as we took the tent down.

"Then who would be there to eat your famous chocolate chip pancakes?" I asked.

We wrestled the tent into the bag and zipped it up.

"You have a point there, kiddo." Dad laughed.

We gathered the rest of our gear and started our trek through the jungle once more.

Dad was an adventurer. He loved exploring and uncovering the unknown. Right now, he was convinced that there was an alien species called cybertronians.

One of his Russian buddies told him all about these robotic species during dinner once. I thought they were both out of their minds.

But either way, Dad had been obsessed about it for months. He's got a whole room full of news papers, reports, pictures, historical anomalies, and all kinds of stuff.

He's pinpointed a location that is constantly between points of interest right here on the edge of Greece.

We got here yesterday, a bit delayed because our helicopter was sabatoged by one of Dad's rivals, but we should get to the location soon.

Dad thinks that whatever is here in this jungle was an important place to the cybertronians that were here in ancient times. It could even tell us where and how they disappeared.

Because there obviously aren't any giant robot aliens here anymore.

Sometimes Dad really was just chasing his tail with these adventures. As much as I loved the peace and quiet that these forests had, I wished he would just go home.

I'm so tired of living somewhere for a month or two and then moving again. Making a friend and then having to leave.

And I miss Jack and Mom. We haven't been in Jasper since I was six.

Mom and Dad weren't really on the greatest terms. They both fell in love during college. They were both the top of their classes, Dad in archeology and Mom in biology and health.

But Dad was tired of waiting to get out there, so he quit. It was fine for a little while, Dad kept going out to explore and Mom stayed in college.

Everything was fine until around the time Mom got out of college. She got pregnant and wanted to settle down, but Dad didn't. He tried for a few years, but things fell apart.

When Jack and I were six, they had a divorce. I went with Dad and Jack stayed with Mom. That was a long time ago.

I send Jack letters every once in a while to tell him about our adventures, but he can't send any back because we live too far away most of the time for the letters to arrive before we move again.

Sometimes though, I have got the letters. Dad always taught me to travel light, so I keep them in my jacket. I read through them all the time.

I paused. The jungle seemed somehow quieter. As if the insects and animals were somehow holding their breath. The air itself was tense.

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