Chapter 12: Things get Fragged

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Optimus's POV

"Maybe I can drive around back and sneak you through a window?" I suggested.

"No, Optimus. That woman's house is surrounded by cameras. Do you know how hard it was to get this house under surveillance? Very difficult. Top of the notch security." Agent Fowler told me.

"I can't believe Diana told her guards not to let me in! I knew she didn't like me, but this is ridiculous!" Nurse Darby complained.

"I can't believe Agent Fowler wasn't able to keep Elisa in the base." I grumbled.

"What did you want me to do? Tell the woman her niece was dead!?" Agent Fowler asked.


"It's not like she would have cared." Nurse Darby huffed.

"Obviously you guys don't like me. Should I go sit in Bumblebee?" He asked.


Agent Fowler growled in frustration before getting out. Nurse Darby put her hand on my dashboard and sighed.

"Optimus, I'm really grateful about how you've cared for Elisa. She really loves you." She told me.

"And I am grateful for that." I replied.

The nurse smiled and leaned back.

"Perhaps we were a little rude to Will." She said.

"Yes, I think we were being a bit rash." I told her.

"I'm just so worried about her. We really don't know what happened when she was with MECH." Nurse Darby told me.

"Elisa is- The kids are coming back. Where is she?" I said, spotting them walking across the street quickly.

Nurse Darby opened the door and looked at them.

"Elisa left." Raf sighed.

"And the party is over!" Miko exclaimed.

"And we got kicked out!" Jack huffed.

I felt the urge to shoot someone.

"Alright, I've had enough." I decided.

"What does that mean?" Nurse Darby asked.

"I'm going in. Agent Fowler, you'll come with me."  I told them before activating my holoform.

"What the eagle's buttocks!?" Agent Fowler exclaimed.

"Since when could you do this!?" Miko squealed, running toward my small human form.

"Since about a year after we arrived on Earth." I told them.

"Why didn't you ever use them?" Raf asked.

"Because they are extremely unreliable. If the holoform leaves our body's line of sight, then we lose awareness of what is going on around our real bodies and control or feelings in them. Optimus, don't use it." Bumblebee told me.

"Arcee uses hers."

"Because she doesn't have tinted windows! And it never leaves her seat! If we were attacked and you were inside, you wouldn't even know until your systems shut down!" Bumblebee exclaimed.

"Optimus, that sounds dangerous." Raf said.

"What is he saying?" Everyone asked at once.

"That the holoforms make them lose all their senses of their surroundings if they get too far away." Raf told them.

"Bumblebee is here. I will not be long." I told them before looking at Fowler.

"Alright big bot, let's move." He sighed before he headed toward the house.

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