Chapter 3: Knowing the Other

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Jack's POV

"Rafael. Open a groundbridge, quickly." Agent Fowler said over the comms.

Almost immediately, a groundbridge opened and Agent Fowler and Ratchet came running through.

"What happened!? Where is Optimus?" Arcee demanded.

"Call Bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Bumblebee back to the base Raf. Optimus has been taken." Ratchet said gravely.

"Taken!? By who? Megatron? MECH?" Arcee asked.

"Partly MECH. There was a girl, she used them to help her get Optimus, but then she turned on them and knocked them out before flying Optimus in a helicopter out of the warehouse." Ratchet exclaimed.

"A girl as in a teenager." Agent Fowler growled, "A teenage girl took down Optimus Prime, Ratchet, me, Silas, and almost a dozen MECH agents on her own."

"We're tougher than we look." Miko shrugged.

"Not the moment to joke." I elbowed her.

"What's that?" Raf asked, pointing to the jacket Agent Fowler was holding.

"I managed to snag her jacket. We can use it to find out who she is." Fowler said.

He sat down on the couch and us three humans watched as he dumped out things in the pockets.

Bandages. Bloody bandages. Knives. Pencils. Ropes. First aid supplies. A compass. Letters which were all strapped together. A fire starter. A bag of lint. Beef jerky. A few other items.

Fowler grabbed the bloody bandages, "I can take these to my friends and have them identify the DNA."

Raf grabbed the letters, "That or you could simply read the name these are addressed to."

He took off the straps and there was a pause before his eyes widened dramatically. He looked over at me slowly.

"What?" Agent Fowler, Miko, and I all asked at the same time.

"They're to Elisa Darby. From Jack Darby."

There was a pregnant silence as everyone stared at me and I stared at the familiar handwriting- my handwriting- that was on the letters.

"Isn't that Jack's last name?" Smokescreen asked.

"This has got to be some kind of trick to throw us off." Agent Fowler said.

"How could they know about Jack? We didn't even know about his sister until- well today!" Arcee said.

"Jack has a sister?" Bulkhead asked in surprise.

"Jack, what does your sister look like?" Ratchet asked me.

I stuttered, "I- I don't really know. I haven't seen her in forever!"

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the photos until I was almost to the bottom. Elisa sent me a picture of her and Dad once in the mail a few years ago.

I handed the phone to Agent Fowler and his eyes widened.

"It is her. Jack your sister just- well you know, but... Why? Why would she capture Optimus?" Fowler asked.

I shook my head, "I have no idea."

Optimus's POV

I groaned, feeling chains holding me against a helicopter.

Everything was quiet. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were in a clearing in some jungle.

"You're awake."

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