Chapter 13: Remember our Sacrifice

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Elisa's POV

I closed my eyes, focusing on the humming of Optimus's spark as held me tightly in his hands.

It was almost enough to ignore the fact that we were on the Decepticon warship and the other bots were in the hands of M.E.C.H.

"Elisa." Optimus said softly, opening his hands.

I looked up at him and grimaced at the hopeless look on his face.

"You will not be safe with me anymore. I need you to leave. Try to get off the ship and find Ratchet. Find Soundwave and run through a groundbridge the first chance you get." He instructed.

"Optimus, you said you wouldn't leave me." I told him.

"I am not. I am asking that you leave me. It is only a matter of time before Megatron returns and you will be his target." He told me.

"I will not abandon you!" I said.

"You must. It is best for both of us." He said.

"What if I never see you again?" I asked.

He smiled softly, "I have the beacon to find your beacon. I will escape and the first thing I do will be to find you."

"But what if Megatron kills you?" I whispered.

"I have survived this long. I will not let him take me until I have seen you one last time." He said.


"Elisa, you need to go." He told me.

I bit my lip, "I can't lose you too."

"You will never lose me." Optimus assured.

The sound of voices outside the door increased, one of which was Megatron's.

"Go. You must go now." He urged.

I ran a few steps before looking back, "I love you."

"And I love you." He said.

I nodded and turned around before running to rhe door. It slid open just as I reached the wall and Megatron walked through, a sword in his hand.

I felt my heart rate increase, but I forced myself to run through before it shut and I took off through the halls.

I had to find Ratchet. I had to rescue Optimus.

I ran into a chamber, where there was an open groundbridge. I ran through, running into some room wher-

My eyes widened when I spotted a screen, which showed a repaired Omega lock with four keys in it. Beyond it was Cybertron.

The Decepticons had restored Cybertron.

But the only way they could have done that was with the synthetic energon that Ratch-

Silas got those papers about synthetic energon from Dad! If he gave them to Megatron and then Shockwave used them to make a new beam to fix Cybertron...

I saw Shockwave standing in front of controls, his hands typing quickly. I saw the screen rotate, turning from Cybertron to another beam which was pointed at Earth.

Another wave of fear ran through me. They were going to cyberform Earth now. Everyone on it would die, including M.E.C.H. and the Autobots, and Jack, and mom, and- everyone!

I spotted a tool sitting on the edge of the counter, dangling over the edge.

I would fix this.

I reached down and pulled a knife out of my boot, which I had stole and changed into the moment the party was over.

I aimed it before tossing it with deadly accuracy. The blade hit the tool and both of them hit the ground below. I was already running when Shockwave turned around.

His pedesteps walked away from the monitor over to the tool. Climbing trees and mountains was one of my many talents.

I quickly scaled the table and stood on the control monitor before turning to look at Shockwave, who had also just turned and spotted me from across the room.

I grinned and pulled out the electro-cannon.

"This is illogical." Shockwave told me before I fired.

He grunted, stumbling back and ripping the device from his chest. I fired the second as he pressed the alarms button.

Shockwave went down. Even Optimus couldn't make it past two of those.

I turned around, ignoring the blaring alarms and looking at the alien dialect.

When Dad was trying to learn everything he could about the Cybertronians back before we found the Council Chamber of the Primes, he had multiple texts in their language.

Of course, I didn't know Cybertronian, but I did know enough about the nature of it to navigate a control panel. I knew exactly were the aim the deadly cyberforming weapon.

M.E.C.H.'s base.

All the information about synthetic energon was there and all or most of their army should be there too. But so would Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Ultra Magnus.

If I didn't fire this and kill them all, the Earth would be doomed. If I did fire this and kill them all, the Earth would be saved from M.E.C.H.

I looked around and spotted the self destruct button. If I pushed that button, this entire Decepticons ship would blow up, including both Optimus and me. And the Decepticons.

There was a single pair of footsteps behind me and Megatron stepped into the doorway.

"I'm sorry." I whispered before pressing the button, sending a beam down to the Earth, immediately destroying the entire M.E.C.H. base and turning it to metal.

I shut it off just as Megatron arrived at the controls. He looked at the screen.

"You are more ruthless than I imagined." He said calmly, "Killing the Autobots to ensure the destruction of M.E.C.H."

"It was the only way." I told him, feeling too guilty to be scared of him.

"We are more alike than Optimus knows. Join the Decepticons and I will spare your planet. You will rule it by my side." He said.

"And Optimus?" I asked.

"He is already dead."

I felt something sharp stab into my heart. I looked up at Megatron.

"Was it worth it?"

He shook his head, "No."

"Then you and I shall both pay the price for our mistakes." I told him before lunging and pressing the self destruct button.

Megatron's eyes widened for a mere second before the entire ship blew up.

And took us all with it.

Ratchet's POV

I watched in defeat as news of the past events played over the news.

M.E.C.H.'s base had blown up. A giant flying vessel had also blown up.

All the Autobot signals were offline. I was the only one left on Earth.

Last time I felt this hopeless was in that junk yard after the base was destroyed. I had later learned that my inability to do anything in my grief had caused the capture of Elisa.

What would happen if I did that again?

M.E.C.H. was gone. The main forces of the Decepticons were offline.

I was the only one left.

"Ratchet..." Raf said from next to me, "I..."

"Do not worry Rafael. We will avenge them." I said, looking at the image on my monitor.

Of a living Cybertron.

We would avenge them. Earth and Cybertron's fate were almost guaranteed as saved now. We had won.

But at a terrible cost.

This is what war really is. A victor does not feel victorious.

The End.

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