Chapter 8: Breaking the Barrier

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Elisa's POV

"YOU AFT!" I yelled, jumping off the bridge.

I jabbed my knife into the optics of a strange bot that looked almost exactly like Optimus. But creepier.

It reached up and tried to grab me, but I flung myself to the side, swinging off the robot's ear and landing on it's shoulder. I started hacking at it's neck cables.

"Elisa, stand down." Silas's voice said from a speaker somewhere inside the Optimus look alike.

Okay. So MECH supposedly was taken down in season three before Smokescreen's arrival during Nemesis Prime and The Human Factor. But instead of working on the robot, they halted their progress to go after Elisa's dad. They thought whatever he found would help them build it even better. After failing, they went back to work, but didn't attack because obviously the Decepticons and Autobots were at each other's throats. This saved them from being taken down and killed. Now Nemesis Prime and MECH will be present in season three. Ta-da.

"I can't believe you cloned Optimus!" I growled, running away again as the fake bot tried to grab me.

If only I had this height advantage when the cons came after us. If I had taken down Soundwave, he wouldn't have been able to bridge us to Cybertron and Optimus wouldn't have had to trade the omega keys.

Cybertron would be alive.

It was my fault. But I don't plan on making a mistake that costs Optimus his planet again.

Suddenly, the fake Prime started falling and I grabbed onto his severed neck cables. It slammed into the ground and I fell off.

The hand snatched me up and I snarled, attempting to force the fingers apart. As a few cars pulled up, MECH men pouring out of them.

"Don't resist, Elisa. It'll only make this more painful for you." Silas told me from the speakers.

"In your dreams!" I growled.

The robot lowered me down and one of the men pulled out a taser. I cried out, convulsing until everything went black.

I opened my eyes and groaned softly, trying to adjust to the bright lights.

Where was I?

A familiar face walked up to me and I jerked. I was handcuffed and in a metal cage. Silas smirked and opened the door.

I sat up, glaring at him.

"We just keep running into each other don't we?" He asked.

"I blame it on you." I told him.

Silas laughed, "Well, yes. It is mostly my fault, but I'm sure you missed me."

"I missed you as much as a cat misses a mouse." I growled.

"Cute. You still think you're the cat." Silas kneeled down  to my level and grabbed my chin, "But you're the mouse now, Elisa."

I spat in his face.

Silas took a step back and wiped off the saliva with a look of disgust.

"Maybe a horse would be the better term." He mused before walking to the doors, "But rest be assured, little girl, we will break you."

The door swung shut with a bang and he smirked.

"Bring him in!"

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