Chapter 2: Kidnapping the Prime

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Before we go kidnap Optimus, I kidnapped Miko and turned her into Elisa ^. It didn't turn out bad...

Elisa's POV

"Dad? Dad?" I asked.

"Elisa? Where- what?" He frowned, opening his eyes.

I looked around, "The roof closed over us. Everything is metal and my flashlight isn't working. Neither is yours. I can't see anything."

He sat up and looked into the darkness, "We'll have to keep going."

I nodded and helped him up.

"Elisa, that was very dangerous out there. You shouldn't have done that." He told me as we walked.

"You just got pushed into a ravine by the guy I was trying to stop. Why am I the bad guy?" I demanded.

"He pushed us because you broke the deal. I told him we wouldn't try anything and that I would work for him." He explained.

"MECH has been bad news since the beginning. Working with them would have never worked out, you know that!" I exclaimed.

"There was nothing else to do! I knew you would come back and without that deal, they would have shot you when you attacked Silas." He told me.

"I had that covered. They wouldn't have-"

A blue light suddenly illuminated the chamber we were in and I squinted.

"Elisa Lynn Darby. Welcome to the Council Chambers of the Primes."

"Who are you?" Dad asked it.

"Herandez Carl Darby, you are not fit to enter the Council Chamber of the Primes." It said and suddenly metal bars rose up from the ground, surrounding Dad.

"Dad!" I yelled, grabbing the bars.

"Elisa, you need to get out of here." He told me.

"I don't know how." I told him.

The metal shifted next to us and sunlight shone through.

"Elisa Darby, the exit is to your left."

"Why aren't you trapping me?" I asked it.

"Don't give it any ideas!" Dad hissed.

"Your intentions for the Council Chambers are good. Herandez Darby wishes to use it to promote his fame." The voice said.

"He- he won't do anything, I promise! Just let him go!" I demanded.

"Only a Prime can command this vessel." It said.

"What's a Prime?" I asked.

"A Prime is a bot chosen by Primus. They must be pure of heart. In Earth there is only one Prime. Optimus Prime." It told me.

"He can let my dad out?" I asked.

"I can give you a beacon to find him." The voice told me.

"Please do." I begged.

A black and blue glowing circle came forward, two strings growing out of it before wrapping around my neck like a necklace.

"This will lead you to the Prime." It told me.

I looked at Dad, "I'll get you out of here."

"Just be safe. If I don't make it, find your Mom. Tell her I love her." He said.

Both of us got up against the bars and I hugged him before he took a step back and touched my face with his hand.

"I love you."

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