one| detention

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- Saturday -

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- Saturday -

It was barely 6 o'clock in the morning when my mother began pounding on my bedroom door for me to wake up.

"Wake the fuck up!" She yelled as I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance.

Can I not have some peace?

"Bailey fucking Collins!"

"Damn woman, I'm up!" I spat while pushing the covers off of my body. Goosebumps littering my skin as I shivered.

Why did I think that a man's white tank top was going to keep me warm in March?

Putting the blankets back over my body, I laid on my back, admiring my white ceiling for awhile. I have zero motivation to get up and go to detention.

I could always skip it but then I'd get in more shit with my mother and I don't want to be at the other end of her wrath.

"Bailey Collins! Hurry the fuck up!"

My mother screamed loudly as I took a deep breath, massaging my forehead while getting up from my bed.

Making my way towards my closet, I grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans along with a white Mötley Crüe t-shirt, a blue-ish plaid shirt and my black leather jacket.

I had recently hot glued some studs and spikes on the collar of my leather jacket, it gave it more character.

When I finally got dressed, I grabbed my school bag and starting to rummage through it to check if I had everything I needed.

Cassette tapes, check. Walkman, check. Gym clothes and purple hand wraps, check.

Seeing I had everything, I grabbed my Doc Martens before running down the stairs - almost dying in the process.

Opening the fridge, I grabbed two sandwiches that I made yesterday. Along with a yoghurt, a bag of baby carrots and a water bottle. I placed the food in a plastic bag before looking through the cupboards to find more snacks.

I grabbed two packs of goldfish's, Oreos and two packs of strawberry pop tarts.

What can I say? I like to eat.

Closing my backpack, I made a run for the door where my mother was impatiently waiting for me. It took me less then five seconds to lock the door and sprint towards her car.

"For fuck sake, what did I do to have such a lazy child." She asked no one in particular before starting the drive to school.



I walked the stairs leading towards the main entrance. My headphones over my ears as I lazily rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand since I'm still tired.

I didn't bother looking around, which is probably why I bumped into Claire Standish, our resident prom queen.

"Watch it." She snarled in annoyance as I raised an eyebrow.

Turning around, the redhead walked towards the library as I stayed behind.

"Fucking bitch." I muttered under my breath before putting my Walkman in my bag.

Inside the library was five students, all from different cliques and all sitting in silence.

At the desk on the front left, Andrew Clark and Claire Standish sat next to each other. Behind them was John Bender, Shermen High School's favourite criminal.

On the right side, there was Brian Johnson and behind him, Allison Reynolds sat with her back facing the entrance of the library. Her hair falling in her face, hiding herself.

If it wasn't so fucking early in the morning, I would've made a snarky comment towards Claire but I don't have the energy for that.

Instead, I went to take a seat next to Brian. The two of us are fairly friendly, he's tutored me a few times since I keep missing school because of fights.

"Are you going through a rebelling phase?" I asked with a smirk as he playfully jabbed his elbow in my ribs.

"Ha ha. You're hilarious."

I was about to add something when Dick - I mean Rich - walked in. He had his head held high and I wanted nothing more then to smack it off of his neck.

"Well, well. Here we are. I wanna congratulate you for being on time."

He started before Claire raised her gloved hand. Somebody actually shoot me.

"Excuse me, sir. I think there's been a mistake. I know it's detention, but I don't think I belong in here."

"It's too early for her to talk." I mumbled causing Brian to cough, as he tried to hide the fact that he was laughing at my comment.

I've never been able to tolerate her. It's bad enough I have to share biology with her, I do not want to share detention.

"It is now 7:06. You have exactly eight hours and 54 minutes to think about why you're here, to ponder the error of your ways." Vernon said in an incredibly boring tone.

Sitting at the the table next to Brian and I's, John Bender was spitting his saliva and catching it in his mouth with a bored expression.

Impressive but disgusting.

Sensing my eyes on him, John looked at me. His deep brown eyes scanned my face, both of us tuning out Vernon's voice before the long haired boy frowned.

His long finger gently tapped the left side of his jaw, his head tilting to the side as I sighed.

He was asking about the bruise.

Shrugging, I mouthed fight as he simply nodded his head. Though that was before Vernon grabbed his chair and made his feet drop to the floor with a loud thud.


"Alright people, we're going to try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay, no less than a thousand words-"

"Kill me now." I whispered as Brian stifled a laugh with his hand.

"-describing to me who you think you are."

"This a test?" John asked while Vernon harshly slammed a piece of paper on my desk and threw a pen at me.

"Did your mother ever teach you manners, Dick?" I said with genuine concern.

"I'll give you the answer to that question, next Saturday, Collins." He stated with a smirk as I rolled my eyes.

Slumping backwards, I felt John stare at me. The boy was sporting a shit eating grin, that caused me to roll my eyes. Of course he'd find amusement in what just happened between Vernon and I.

"And when I mean essay, I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear, Mr Bender?"


"Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. Maybe you'll even decide whether or not you care to join Miss Collins next Saturday."

Tuning out the rest of his monologue, I just knew today was about to be one hell of a day. And to make matters worse, I don't have my cigarette pack with me right now.

Fuck me.

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