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- Saturday -

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

- Saturday -

"That's enough, B." I heard from behind me as I slowed down my movements and took off my headphones. Brian had his hands in his pockets, moving back and forth on his feet as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Go back to your seat, Bri."

"Come with me... please." The dirty blond haired boy pleaded, his eyes slightly wide at the sight of my knuckles. I had taken off the wraps a while ago, needing to feel the impact in my hands.

"Give me five more minutes."

"It's been an hour, B. I know Vernon said some things about your-"

"Don't. Don't fucking talk about him!" I spat in anger as Brian raised his hands up in defence. Almost like he was telling me that he wasn't here to pick a fight.

"Vernon thinks he's untouchable. He thinks he's so high up the food chain that others are literal shit under his shoes. He feels the need to belittle people like John and I because he can't get his head out of his own ass! Fuck! He's a fucking prick!" I said in one breath, angrily wiping the blood off of my knuckles and onto my jeans.

The blood staining the lighter material but I didn't care. I couldn't give less of a shit right now.

"He shouldn't have said that about your dad." Brian stated, walking closer to me and laying a hand on my shoulder as I took a deep breath.

"My dad is- was the most amazing father ever. He always made sure we had enough food to eat even if it meant that he wouldn't eat for a few days. He was selfless, kind and patient. He raised my siblings and I to be the better versions of ourselves. He taught my brothers how to be gentlemen's, taught my sisters and I never to rely on a men for anything. He- shit."

I angrily wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes while turning around, my back facing Brian to not let him see me weak. I couldn't afford to be weak.

Not when I worked so hard to keep my reputation.

"He'd be proud of you."

Brian mumbled while hugging me from behind and kissing the back of my head. His arms wrapping around my stomach as I took deep breaths to try and calm myself. It hasn't even been a year since my dad died, the wound is still fresh, hasn't even started to scar. I don't think it will for awhile. That wound is what drives me to be better. It drives me to do everything my daddy didn't get to do.

"Come back when you're ready." He whispered before walking back to his seat as I leaned against the wall. My forehead was on the cold wall, tears slowly drying on my cheeks as I took shaky breaths.

I've never been good with talking about my feelings. Not even when I was a child. The only person that understood my silence and my bottling up - even as a little kid - was my grandpa. He was the same way. It used to drive my grandma up the walls but it was part of his charm. He died my freshman year, lung cancer, that man could out-smoke a train without even blinking. A bad habit he got from the war.

A habit I also picked up.

"How many detentions you got?" A deep voice called for me as I wiped the last remaining tears before turning around and seeing Bender leaning against a bookcase. His arms crossed over his chest, his long hair slightly disheveled as I raised an eyebrow.

"Six, you?"

"Damnit. I got seven. Get another one for me, please?" He asked with a grin as I rolled my eyes, a small smile creeping on my face that caused him to walk closer to me.

"Pretty thing like you shouldn't cry-"

"I ain't fucking crying, Bender." I cut him off with a glare as he shook his head, amusement filling his eyes before his thumb wiped away the one tear left.

"You sure, sweetheart?"

"Call me that again and I'll make you eat your teeth." I snapped, hating the way he said sweetheart. Something about it tugged at my heart strings and caused my stomach to fill up and twist in itself.

Especially coming from Bender.

I'm not sure what it is about him that causes those reactions in my body- actually that's a lie. I've always found John Bender really fucking attractive. There's not a single part of me that wouldn't let him take me against a wall if he asked, though my ego and pride wouldn't let me succumb to a man like that.

Even if his dick is big... at least, that's what I've heard.

"Threatening me gets me all hot and bothered for you, sweetheart." The pet name rolling off his tongue in a teasing manner as I grabbed the hem of his flannel, pulling him down to my height as his eyes widened slightly at the sudden action.

He stood at a good 6'0, making him a few inches taller than me which was annoying since I had to look up to speak to him.

Who gave him the right to be tall?

"That ain't even the filthiest thing I can say, pretty boy." I whispered, my lips brushing against his ear as he shivered under my touch. His hand going to my wrist as I slightly pulled back.


"Mhmm, you couldn't handle half of me." I said before gently nibbling on his ear, a low and sensual moan leaving Bender's mouth as I tried to keep my body in check.

I wasn't a stranger to sex but public sex had always been a big no-no for me. Though right now, dignity had left my body and all that mattered was his moans.



I answered back, taking a step backwards, enough to stay at arms reach if he wanted me close while still having enough space to run if I needed to.

"Imma kiss you before the day ends."

"I'd like to see you try."

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