seventeen| epilogue

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- Sunday -

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- Sunday -

I laid in bed, reading one of my dad's old journals while John was trying to glue studs on his jean jacket to match mine.

He was sitting on the floor, crossed legged while a bunch of different studs of various sizes were sprawled out all over my floor. I knew he'd pick them up before leaving, or I'd beat his ass. I don't particularly want a stud in my foot.

"You're staring." He said with a sly grin as I closed the journal. My full attention on the brunette while he flipped his head back to keep his hair out of his face.

"I can't stare at my boyfriend, now?" I questioned with a shit-eating grin as he flipped me off, though I did see the way his cheeks turned a slight pink colour.

John won't ever admit it but he blushed when I call him my boyfriend. He doesn't know how to react to that word nor does he know how to react when I say he's pretty. Which is the truth.

"Has your mom said anything about me being here?" He asked suddenly turning serious as I frowned.

"No? Ma's never gonna admit it but she likes having another mouth to feed. She's a hard ass but I think you remind her of Matthew." I admitted while looking towards the one big family portrait that I had on my nightstand.

"Who's Matthew?"

"My dad. He was a- um... he was a bad boy, like you. A criminal with a heart of cold. He loved my ma, and he loved all of us. He loved all of his crazy kids."

I stated while taking the picture off the nightstand and going to sit next to Bender to explain my family tree more in detail.

"This is my dad, with the beard and the tattoos. That's my mom, Katherine, holding me in her arms. For as long as I can remember, she always had a leather jacket on." I told him while he leaned his chin on my shoulder.

"Who's that?"

"This is my oldest brother, Marco. He lives in San Francisco with his wife and their two girls, Liza and Victoria." I pointed at the tall boy with dark brown hair, smiling at the camera with an arm wrapped around our ma. His face practically the carbon copy of our father.

"Then there's Alex, he works in a law firm in Boston. He lives with his fiancé, we were never super close." I said while his eyes went to Alex, who was the tallest of all of us.

"Is that Jules?" John questioned as I hit his arm.

"You skipped four brothers !"

"Four? I thought Jules was the last one." He admitted with a frown as I chuckled.

"I have seven brothers, John." I told him while he swallowed hardly causing me to laugh out loud before quickly closing my mouth when I remembered my mom was hosting a girls night

"After Alex, theres the twins. Henry and Jake."

"They're the ones that died?" He asked.

"Yeah, a drunk driver hit them. They died on impact." I said as he nodded, grabbing a hold of my hand as I stared at my identical twin brothers. They were so young and didn't get to live half of their life before being taken away.

Somedays I like to wonder how life would be if they had survived the crash. How they would react to me fighting the way I do.

"I miss them, you know? They were so young."

"It's understandable, B. They're your brothers." John reassured me, kissing my temple before pointing at someone else in the picture.

"Who's that?"

"That's Freddie, he's doing 10 years for grand theft. He and I were always close, he's the one that got me into fighting. I took his place when he got sent in." I admitted as John simply nodded.

"And lastly, there's Chris. He's two years older than me but he acts like he's seven. He's in Iowa with our uncle working in construction. He needed a new change of scenery after dad died. Chris hasn't been home since."

I glanced down at my lap, hating how all of my siblings were scattered around the state and how we didn't keep in touch as much since dad died. I miss all of them and I want my brothers back.

"You know I won't leave you, huh? I'm going to stick by your side until you're physically tired of me and even then, I'll still be there." John said, kissing me longly as I smiled against his lips.





A/N: anywho, this concludes this John Bender fanfiction :)

i've deadass worked so hard on it, only to hate it... bref, i'm in such a writing slump that all my books from the Opposite series have been on hold.

i can't find the energy to write anymore, especially since i'm on my last college term which means insane classes and trying to maintain my average.

anyway, hope you enjoyed my books :)

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