5|| so you're a stripper?

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A/N: Fair warning, this book will move fast. Kinda.


Drew: where did your books go? did you delete them all? are you okay?

A tear streams down my face as I read the text Drew sent me. Just half an hour ago I had to delete all my books off of Wattpad. It's not like I wanted to, I was sorta...forced to. I feel hollow now, this was the only community of people I felt wanted in. People loved my books, now I can't even share them with people. Not to mention, how did Drew realize that soon? No one else has noticed yet. Drew must check my page often.

~Throwback to half an hour ago.~

"Ember, your father and I had a discussion. If writing is really what you want to do we would like to read everything you've written. Maybe then if it turns out that you're actually a good writer we could help you out," mom explains as she walks into my room.

"I-I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Oh Ember, snap out of it. Now, where can we read them? I think Elodie mentioned there's an app called Wattsapp?" Mom pulls out her phone from her back pocket.

How the fuck does she know about that app?

"Mom, I don't want you to read any of my shitty books!"

"I don't get it! You say you want to write for a living and we're finally asking to read your work and you're not letting us?" Mom snaps, raising her voice.

"Okay fine," I sigh, "But I don't have anything on that app. I'll just send you my stuff, okay?"

"As soon as possible. We need to get you out of this musty room." she scrunched up her nose, glancing around the room. "I think it's time you washed your sheets, Ember."


I didn't want to take any chances in them finding my fanfictions. There's no way they'd approve of those. They wouldn't understand them. In fact, there are only a select few people who do understand the comfort they can bring to a person.

I can't be mad though, I have asked them for years to read my work and they come up with an excuse every time. The thing is, I don't put in nearly as much effort into my other books. The fanfictions are really what I care about. They're what other people like, so I put my effort into those.

Drew: i'm really worried about you baby. please just tell me you're okay

Ember: I'm fine

Drew: that's a lie

Ember: How the fuck would you know that?!

Why am I getting upset you ask? I have no idea. I mean, I do feel like this Drew girl who seems to care about me will ghost me once she learns I won't be writing fan fiction anymore. Well, I will be writing them, just not posting them. Like I've said before, people only care about you because they want content.

Drew: because i just know.

Billie's POV

It's getting harder and harder to not call Ember. Obviously, she isn't okay and obviously, she needs someone. I want to be that someone but unfortunately it isn't that easy. But at the same time, I don't want to force her to talk.

Ember: Fine, I'm very much not okay. You happy now?

My heart breaks in half, every inch of me is yearning to hold this precious soul in my arms.

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