27|| feeling her

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TW: Breif mention of SH

TW: Breif mention of SH

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"Do you want anything? Juice, tea, coffee, water?"

"Water would be nice," I nodded as I looked around the small room.

"Great, I'll be right back. Take a seat wherever you'd like," the woman told me before leaving the room, closing the door behind herself.

The room was nice, it wasn't what I was expecting for a therapy room office. It looked more like a living room with a couch against one wall and two armchairs across from it. The room was lit up by lamps and warm bulbs, nothing medical about this room. I sat on the couch and took note of the kleenex box on the side table and on the coffee table. There was a nicely organized desk against the wall where the door was. I heard the door open and she walked in with two water bottles in hand. She placed them on the coffee table and sat down in an armchair across from me with a clipboard.

"So Ember, my name is Megan and I'm excited to start getting to know you," she smiles. "I'm not going to lie, the first session here is pretty basic and I'll just ask you a few questions to start getting to know you better but of course, feel free to say anything that's on your mind. Or if I ask a question you don't feel comfortable answering, just let me know. Sound good?"

"Yeah," I nodded, fidgeting with my fingers that are placed in my lap.

"And you've read the terms and privacy papers I e-mailed you? You know that everything you tell me doesn't leave this room?"

I nodded my head in response and she smiled at me before looking back down at her clipboard. "So, we can start with a super broad question but how come you're seeking therapy at this time?"

"Well," I let out a large breath, "there have been lots of changes in my life in the last few months. I met someone who pretty much saved me. I got kicked out of my parent's house for 'being too lazy', so now I live with that person I met. My dad blocked off my communication with my sister," I stated the basic points.

"That's a lot for sure. This person you met and moved in with, what's your relationship like with them?" She asked while noting down a few points.

"Oh, she's my girlfriend. She's really good to me and honestly, since my cousin passed away she's the first person I feel like actually listens to me."

"I'm sorry to hear about your cousin but I'm glad you have someone like that in your life now. You mentioned your dad kicking you out. What was your home life like before getting kicked out?"

"Um, not great. My parents had me at a young age and didn't want me. I was pretty much raised by my daycare teachers. My parents never really cared for me, they were too busy with work or whatever. But several years later they decided they actually wanted a kid and had my sister, Elodie. They treated her like a little princess from the moment they knew they were pregnant. I never mattered much. I guess I just got really depressed over the years, started having panic attacks, and never talked to my family much. I've never had a job, I just couldn't get out of bed. I started self-harming but no one knew about it. My girlfriend does though, she's the only one. My parents don't really understand or believe mental illness is a thing so they just believed I was a lazy piece of shit-" I looked up at Megan and realized I'd been ranting. "Sorry. I'll be quiet."

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