23|| write it down

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A/N: Morning breath doesn't exist in the world of Wattpad, thanks.

TW: Very brief mention of SH.


Pulling out my laptop from my bag, I'm careful not to wake Billie as I slide back onto her bed, sitting next to her. I freeze up as she stirs slightly but relax when she drapes an arm over my legs and her breathing evens out again. I open up my laptop lid with a sigh. I haven't written or even been on my laptop since leaving my parent's house but today I feel like writing.

Opening up a new document, I begin to write down everything that has happened in the last couple of months. It's crazy to think that four months ago I opened up a random message on Wattpad and now here I am, sitting in Billie's bed. I haven't written down and expressed all my emotions and it's about damn time.

The guilt and shame of not being enough for my parents. The immense feelings Billie brings me. The hate I have for myself. It's all just too much, and I feel like I might explode if I don't write this all down.

I hadn't even realized how long I had been typing when Billie begins to stir once again. I check the time, seeing that it's 10:00 am. I started writing at 5:30 am. Damn, that has to be a record for me. "What're you doing?" Billie rasps out?

"Just writing," I tell her, placing my laptop on the nightstand.

"Mmm," she hums as she reaches her arms out for me to lay down with her. I lay my head on her chest as she wraps her arms around my body.

I let out a content sigh as she places a kiss on the top of my head. "Bil?" I capture her attention and she hums in response. "I was wondering if you could read one of my books. It's dedicated to my cousin. It's fictional but based on my cousin and our friendship."

"I would love that," she responds, sounding more awake.

I turn to look up at her through my lashes. "And if you hate it, lie to me."

A smile pulls on her lips as she looks down at me. "I won't hate it, baby."

Her face pulls me in like an anchor. I can't stop staring at every feature on her face. She's so damn beautiful that my heart flutters each time she looks at me. Her black hair is slightly messy but somehow looks perfect with how it flows down her neck.

Her lips are so plump and perfect that I can't help but lean up to press a kiss to her lips. They're soft and firm at once and it's as if she was made for kissing. Somehow the innocent kiss turned a little sloppy and I can't deny how turned on I suddenly felt. She let out a moan into my mouth and grasped the back of my neck, pulling our mouths apart before I get carried away.

Her eyes widen in surprise and she chuckled as she examines my lips.

"What?" I question, holding my hand over my mouth.

"You're just so sexy and y'know, your lips are a little red and swollen," she explains, grabbing onto the hand that was placed over my mouth.


"Like this?"

"Exactly! Now just strum the first five strings, it might be difficult at first but you'll get it," Finneas explained.

I nodded my head before strumming my thumb over the first five strings. My eyes lit up when it sounded pretty much perfect. "Good job!" Finneas praised.

"Oh my god, that's like the most difficult chord ever," I exaggerated, keeping my fingers on the specific strings and frets.

"It is the hardest one, but look, you got it," he smiled. "You should practice going back and forth from the first and second chord I taught you. Do enough practicing that you can switch from one chord to the next quickly and then we can start working on strumming patterns."

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