31|| what the hell did you do?

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(1 day before the first show)

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(1 day before the first show)

I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I held my stomach, letting out laughter that began to hurt my ribs. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard. I didn't know watching Billie do her physical therapy would turn into a whole comedy show.

"Billie, stop," I wheezed, wiping away the tear from my cheek.

"I can't help that I'm this funny," she smiled as she rolled an exercise ball between her legs. God, I feel a little bad for her physical therapist, but not really. It's like the closer we get to her first show, the more hyped and goofy she's getting.

"Alright, let's do some jumping around before you have to change," Billie's physical therapist announces but before they begin Billie walks over to the couch I'm sitting on and drags me off of it.

"What are you doing?" I ask her with a giggle.

"You're jumping with me," she says matter-of-factly. I oblige and follow what the physical therapist tells us to do but it soon turns to us dancing around like idiots until Billie has to get changed for dress rehearsal.

When Billie walks into another room to change I notice the green room start to empty out as everyone makes their way out to the stage and stadium and suddenly I'm alone on the couch. It's crazy to me how many people are touring along with Billie. I mean, I knew there were going to be a lot of people but how will I remember everyone's name? People have been introducing themselves to me but to be honest I can only remember a few of their names and what they do.

Walking over to the mini fridge I grab a cold bottle of water and hear Billie come back into the room. She slumps down onto the couch checking her phone. I don't think she notices anyone is in here. I slowly place my water down on the coffee table and she looks at me with a cute grin on her face.

"Hi, baby."

"Hi," I smile back, walking over to the couch and straddling her lap. Her brows raise as she sets her hands on my waist. "I love you," I say softly as I kiss her lips. She kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

The kiss is short-lived though because we hear a knock at the door. "Billie, five minutes until we start," Patrick informs her through the door.

"Okay," she responds before her eyes settle back on me. "I love you," she whispers, running her fingertips through my hair. "Guess what."

"Hmm?" I hum.

"I just got an e-mail from someone and I think you're gonna want to read it," she tells me before she passes me her phone.

I furrow my brows at her in a confused manner. "Just read it," she urges me.

I look at who the e-mail is from... 'Angel City Press' is written in bold at the very top. "Billie," I speak lowly. "You didn't."

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