Chapter 10 - Falling in Love (0.2)

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Marlon noticed the pinkish-red color on Alexis' face.

"Master? why is your face color like that?"

Apparently, even though it was obvious that he was blushing, Marlon who doesn't even know the definition of Blushing, questioned Alexis with his face full of questions.

'Thank goodness he's doesn't know the word blushing!!!'
Alexis sighed in relief.

'BLUSHING?! no wait- my face is just red because it's h-hot!!! not because i'm in love!!! r-right?!'
Alexis blushed even more and covered his face.

"Oh, and it's getting redder!"

"i-it's just hot, Marlon"
Alexis tried to answer calmly.

"Oh i see, should i adjust the Air conditioner a bit?"

"Yes please"

Alexis now have to bear the coldness.

A few weeks have already passed.

Alexis was busy and didn't notice the time that had passed by.

Amelia on the other hand is busy too... busier than Alexis.

(At the Imperial Court)

"Isn't it a bit dangerous for Your Highness to go there instead of Marquis Coselo's son?"
A noble asked.

"It is! there are a lot of thieves there... your highness!"

"it's better if Marquis Coselo's son will go instead of you since He is an Elite Knight..."
Another noble said.

"How many times should i repeat that i will go together with Marquis Coselo's son??"
Amelia said.

"Right but it's better if her highness won't go..."

"I'm going to go and that's my final decision"

Samuel, the Emperor's Aide, walked in.
"The Emperor is asking for you, in the Throne room, Your Highness."
He said to Amelia.

"Right now?"


Amelia Stood up.

"The Emperor is asking for my presence, continue the discussion about the Central Region."


Amelia left the Imperial Court.

At the Throne Room.

The Big Silver Door opened, Amelia walked inside, not quite far away, the Emperor is sitting on the throne.

Amelia, the Emperor, The Emperor's aide, and six guards were the only one's on the room.

"You have Asked for my presence?"

"As you know, our Imperial House is quite weakening"
The Emperor said.

"Yes, i noticed that too, it's all because the nobles are slowly following the act of treason"

"Yes! That's why your mother has came up with another plan!"

"What Plan?" Amelia tilted her head to the Right, Wondering what plan her mother made.

"Your mother is planning to form an Engagement between you and the Duke of Vischetel"


"An Engagement with Sir Alexis?"


"But why though?? I don't get it."

"The Vischetel's are not a part of the Imperial Faction, they are completely against the orders of the Imperial house! If you could become the Duchess of Vischetel, you can have control over their Power."
The Emperor explained to me.

Yes. The Imperial House is weakening because of some Noble's acts of treason, if two powerful bloodlines merge together, The Empire would become even greater.

Plus... The Vischetel's have places that we don't have access to, many nobles are also more loyal to the Name of Vischetel.

'The Nobles who have committed treason are usually vessels of the Vischetel Duchy.'

"I see your Point now, father, but i'm afraid that the Duke will refuse this proposal"

There's no way Alexis would accept this! although he has been kinda sweet to me in the past few days, i think he only sees me as a friend or a close friend.


"Yes, as you know, The Duke once hated me, and doesn't even like to be involved in the Imperial House."

"But i heard your friendship with the duke has improved lately?"

"Ah yes"

He heard about that, huh?

Well as expected, many maids and guards were watching us at that time so...

"The Duke and I have gone to speaking terms, but..."

"By the Way, I already sent a letter about the proposal to him"



"Did he-??"

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