☁️RadioHusk Week 2022: Confession☁️

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Love confessions were the most cliché yet difficult shit Husk ever had to fucking deal with, even worse, having to do it fucking twice! Husk sighed as he rubbed his temple, trying not to think back to the times when they were alive, thinking back would only make him more miserable than he already was. He said that like he didn't think about those days on a daily basis, it was part of the reason he was so miserable and grumpy in the first place, but who could blame him? Not only did his one and only love die long before him, but apparently he had his memories of their relationship completely wiped clean! Fuck he wasn't sure if that was supposed to be Alastor's punishment or his, because it sure the hell felt more like a punishment for him than Al! Husk sighed and slumped down, about to slam his head down into the counter of the hotel bar, how the hell does someone do a fucking love confession anyways!? Husk clawed at his face in frustration and irritation, maybe he should just accept he'll be sad, miserable and alone all of his afterlife, he'd gone on this long, why stop now right? Yet, Valentine's Day was coming up in a week, and he decided he wanted to stop putting it off for next year.

  On Monday, he asked Charlie for advice, that was his first mistake. She was well meaning and all, but all she could do was spat cutesy, overly romantic and cliche suggestions at him that Al would never want to do any of that shit. Husk had to hold up a paw to stop Charlie half way before he vomited the mass amounts of alcohol he was just consuming. "I appreciate the advice princess, but none of that is exactly Al ya know" Husk reminds while pinching his temple in frustration. Charlie smiles awkwardly and nods, "right, sorry about that Husk" Charlie apologized to the chimera. "I guess...just be yourself, you know Alastor better than anyone else after all" Charlie suggested with a big smile on her face, thinking she made a pretty good suggestion. Husk groaned and facepalmed before clawing his face again, he found that suggestion very unhelpful. He was already regretting asking anyone for help honestly, but he knew he wasn't going to be able to do this if he didn't get some help from someone! Hank didn't give a shit who it was, he just needed some actual good advice!

He went to Nifty after that on Wednesday, Nifty actually knew them when they were alive and would fangirl over their relationship all the time, so she had to be his best option out of anyone at the hotel, right? Well, that's what he was hoping for anyways, yet he felt like she'd be just as unhelpful as Charlie was earlier. Unfortunately, his suspicions were confirmed as Nifty started squealing and went into a long ass rant about how cute they were together and then getting married and all this other stuff Husk didn't want to talk about right now. He stopped paying attention to the miniature cyclops as he saw Alastor walking into the room, his back straight and holding a sort of dignity to him as he usually did. Hank slumped back into the couch, admiring the view of Alastor with his ears ever so slightly pulled back, absolutely infatuated with his once lover. Nifty giggles and wolf whistles which catches Husk attention, he glares daggers at her but she just continues to laugh until she runs out of air. "Why don't you ask miss Rosie if she has any ideas? She and Alastor are really close! I'm sure she'll know what to do" Nifty suggested, and just like that, she was off.

  Friday is when Husk decided to go over to Rosie's emporium and talk to Rosie herself, possibly the only person Alastor knows that Husk himself has never met before. He felt kind of intimidated and definitely felt awkward walking in, since he wasn't exactly there looking to buy anything, he just needed advice because he sucked with feelings. He supposed that's one of the things that brought the two together, neither one was exactly doting or romantic in either way, they just kinda expressed their feelings in their own sort of ways. He snapped himself out of his trance as he looked up at the pitch black voids of a woman barely taller than his beloved deer demon, yeah this was definitely Rosie, the outfit definitely gave off the vibe that she had a similar way of dressing as Alastor. "Well hello dear, what brings you to my emporium today" Rosie asked as she leaned down to make eye contact, "are ya Rosie? I came here to talk to ya about Al" Husk said bluntly, cutting right to the chase. Rosie smiles wide, "you must be Husk! Nifty told me to be expecting you" Rosie says as she pats his head. Husk groans as his tail twitches in mild irritation, but he had to keep his cool, she was basically his best and last chance after all. "If I was you little feline, I'd just do what you did last time to win his heart, you did it once after all, I'm sure you can do it again" Rosie advices. Hush was about to yell at her for being so unhelpful, but then it finally clicked in his head, and he facepalmed at his stupidity.

Sunday finally came, Valentine's Day was upon Husk as he held a red bouquet of roses in his claws, he gulped as he walked up to Alastor's house and knocked on the door, Alastor opening the door soon after. Husk was trying desperately to not fall back into another flashback as he thought about how this same scenario played out in their past. He lifted up the roses between their faces just like he did back then, hoping maybe, just maybe, there would be a sense of deja vu in Alastor's mind. In a way, it seems like maybe it had, as Alastor grabbed Husk by the scruff of his neck and pulled him into a loving kiss, one Husk was more than happy to reciprocate. Maybe he wasted a lot of time worrying about what to do after all, since he should have known the right way to do it from the start.

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