☁️RadioHusk Week 2022: Outdoor Date☁️

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Alastor and Husk didn't go on dates, this was a known truth about the two animal sinners. They just didn't do dates, more like casual hangouts with a little extra affection in all honesty, but that was the way they liked things. Except, Alastor was starting to wonder if they were even a real couple if they didn't go out on dates, it felt more like they were simply friends that couple do more affectionate and intimate actions like kissing and hand holding in his eyes. Alastor slammed the door open, Husk jumping up and his claws making him sticking to the ceiling, "what the hell Al" Husk yelled out in anger. Al crosses his arms, "I think it's about time we finally went out on a proper date, make it feel like we're actually a couple" Alastor points out in a sassy and frustrated tone. Husk carefully peeled his claws from the ceiling and landed on the bed with a "oof", he stood up from the bed and looked at Alastor to see that the red deer was actually being serious, which greatly surprised him. "I...guess we could do that? That's totally out of fuckin' nowhere but, whatever you want I guess" Husk reluctantly agreed, even if he was confused by his lovers sudden interest.

Alastor was humming a chipper tune as he stirred a big pot of gumbo, he lifts up the ladle and takes a small sip of the Cajun dish, him humming in delight at the familiar taste of his hometowns dish. Husk was just watching his lover cook while sitting back in a wooden chair, he couldn't cook for shit, and his body being covered in fur only made it worse, but there was nothing better to him than watching Alastor happily cooking in the kitchen. Alastor wasn't the least bit bothered by Husk lack of help, he knew what he was getting into when they started this relationship after all, so it wasn't a big deal to him at all. Alastor hummed with delight as he picked up the whole pot in his thin claws, Husk half surprised and completely confused as he looked up at his boyfriend, "what are you bringin' the whole damn pot for" Husk asked. "For us to enjoy on our date" Alastor answered with a much wider grin than usual, and without a moments notice, Alastor's shadows surrounded them as they were teleported somewhere Husk couldn't see.

  Husk shaked his head when the shadows disappeared, he was ready to yell at the overlord, since he was well aware the chimera was not exactly fond of being teleported, but his mouth ended up stuck open as he took in the view before him. This place was very different from any other place he'd seen in Hell, it seemed to be a rose garden with a white table and fancy chairs around the center, it even had a nice view of the setting pentagram in the sky to boot. The sight only got better as Alastor walked over to it, placing the pot in the center of the table before snapping his fingers, a long crimson red with black lace taking the place of his usual red suit. Husk could drool all over Al on the rare occasions the sinner crossdressed, he only did that when they were truly alone, there was absolutely no chance of them being caught. Husk cheeks turned red as he admired how the silk of the dress hugged his boyfriends subtle curves in probably the best way possible for a seven foot, super thin, deer demon.

  Husk finally stopped being a simp long enough to sit down in his chair, right across from the lovely overlord he was dating, a sigh escaping his lips as he went right back to ogling the younger sinner. Alastor chuckles and gently scratched Husk ear, making the feline let out a soft and reluctant purr as he tried and failed to resist nuzzling into Alastor's touch, "you old fool" Alastor chuckled again. Husk didn't take offense, it was absolutely true after all, he was an old fool, but he was only a fool when it came to his love for Alastor. Alastor lifted up the lid of the pot and poured them each a bowl of gumbo and puts them down in front of them, a much softer smile than usual gracing Alastor's face, and this simply melted Husk heart. Alastor simply roller his eyes at the other sinner before quietly enjoying his meal, holding the fluffy paw of his boyfriend with his own as he continued to savor the meal. Husk gladly ate his gumbo as well, savoring the meal Alastor made for this date that he wanted so deeply, it made his surprise for when they returned to the hotel feel so much more worth it all.

Husk managed to convince Alastor that they should actually walk back to the hotel, even though that meant Alastor wouldn't wear his beautiful dress anymore, much to Husk misery. The whole walk back Husk was being extra affectionate while also being mindful of Alastor's boundaries of physical touch. Alastor found this behavior more than a little off coming from his typically grumpy and surly partner, but his every attempt to ask about the mood shift was met with a simply "you'll see" from the winged cat. Husk led Alastor to their shared room in the hotel almost immediately after they got there, only further adding to Alastor's confusion and adding a slight bit of concern. Husk locked them door as they both walked in, Alastor was about to demand an explanation from the alcoholic feline, before the other started to kneel on one knee. "Al...we started datin' long ago, back when we was still young and alive. I know you ain't remember none of that now, but I knew from the day I landed here you were the one I loved most, will you please make my afterlife one worth livin'" Husk asked as he took out a ring. Alastor covered his mouth with her clawed hand, tears falling from his cheeks as he nodded and hugged the one he loved, probably the best date they could ever ask for.

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