🌧Song of Brokenhearts☁️ StaticLoveTune

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Alastor cheerfully hums to himself as he sits on a bench under a streetlight, waiting for his beloved spider boyfriend to arrive for their date. He was wearing his best red satin dress as per his darlings request, as he didn't mind dolling himself up on occasion, especially for his beloved spider. Alastor frowned with his eyes as he gazed at his old pocket watch, 9:45, Angel was late, very late, where could that spider possibly be? Alastor sighs as he decided to wait a bit longer, only for his ears to wilt as it started to rain, ruining his dress and the small bit of makeup he was wearing. He sighed as he decided it was best to return to the hotel and talk with Angel later.

As he entered the hotel, he did not expect to see his boyfriend making out with Husk aka his best friend! There was no mistaking what happened here as Husk had a clear face of disgust, even before he noticed the radio demons presence-to which his eyes widened as he scrambled to push Angel away. He didn't have to for much longer as angry radio static consumed the hotel, tears of anger and anguish running down Alastor's face as he glared at his once beloved, making Angel smile at him with fear and some regret. "Al! Babe! What happened babe? Why's ya all wet?" Angel asked in a very obviously fake concerned tone. The radio static distorted Alastor's voice as his anger only grew by the inconsiderate question. "Well dear, a certain someone seemed to have forgotten we had a date planned over an hour ago, so I was left in the pouring rain, and come back to see my boyfriend kissing my best friend" Alastor's growls at the spider. Charlie and Vaggie ran over after hearing the commotion, but Alastor didn't bother to stay as he was far to emotionally distraught, how foolish was he?

Meanwhile, Vox was at one of the better bars in town drowning his sorrows in alcohol again. Him and Valentino have just broken up for the hundredth time again, and Vox was real sick and tired of constantly breaking up and getting back together with the moth pimp, it was frustrating and exhausting. He wasn't even sure if he still loved the other overlord anymore, more that he loved the attention, and with Valentino having all his sluts around, he didn't even get that much these days. How he managed to drink alcohol was fucking beyond him, but he really didn't give a shit as he downed bottle after bottle down until he couldn't feel feelings. No matter how much he drank he couldn't seem to drown out the aching in his heart as he rest his screen against his arms.

From the corner of his eyes he saw a dash of red satin just as he picked up soft sniffles from right beside him. He blinked his blurry eyes and looked up at what he assumed to be a woman, only for them to widen as his vision cleared as he saw his rival sitting beside him. Alastor looked absolutely awful as he was drenched to the bone and had make up smeared all over his face-wither from crying or the rain outside he wasn't quite sure. Something about seeing his usually so composed rival so distraught and broken made Vox feel pity-maybe the drinks talking-as he held out a handkerchief to the crimson deer. Said deer was surprised by the considerate gesture by his greatest rival, but accepted the cloth regardless as he mumbled a soft "thank you" before wiping the smeared makeup from his face.

The two sat in awkward silence as Vox stared at the heartbroken deer as he cleaned his face and sipped red wine from his glass. Finally, Vox spoke up as the silence was getting to him. "What happened to ya?" Vox asked, cringing at himself, he definitely could have worded that a lot better, oh well. Alastor lets out broken chuckles before letting out a few more sniffles, "I...had experience a rather unpleasant breakup....I had waiting for my dearest to come for my darling to arrive for our date for nearly an hour before it started raining, when I returned to the hotel I...saw him attempting to kiss my closest companion" Alastor explained. Vox felt sympathy for the buck, that sounded absolutely awful, with how closed off Alastor was he can only imagine how much letting someone in and having his trust used must have hurt the red deer.

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