☁️Pumpkin carving Radiodust week☁️

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Despite hating the cold seasons, Alastor adored October, as it was the time of fear and mayhem and Alastor was all about it! Anthony didn't particularly enjoy the month itself, but he did love the way it brought light to the deer demons eyes. Perhaps Anthony did not share his daina's love for the spooky month, but he could still appreciate it and certainly enjoyed it. Perhaps he liked the way it cloaked the leafs in brown and orange colors, maybe the smell of pumpkin spice everywhere he went, or maybe it was just the way all these things made his doe smile so very wide.

The two were lying on the couch in the hotel lobby, cuddling together and huddled by the fireplace. Anthony was gently petting his amato's soft ears, a soft purr rumbling through the deers thin chest and a fluffy tail wagging in delight. Unfortunately, the moment had to be ruined as Charlie announced a staff meeting, greatly annoying the couple who reluctantly complied. The two arrived and sat, Anthony in a chair and Alastor resting on his lap, Anthony's arms wrapped snuggly around his torso and waist. This seating arrangement got some stair at first, but after awhile no one seemed to care. Regardless, Charlie had called them to announce she thought it would be a great idea to set up jack-o-lanterns around the hotel to attract more guess for the spooky season.

It seemed the ones with claws were the ones having the easiest time carving. Charlie encouraged everyone to carve at least two pumpkins, one of themselves and one of something else-preferably appropriate. Almost everyone stopped after carving two, except Alastor, who had to have had at least ten pumpkins lined up to carve. Alastor had pumpkin guts all over his claws, and while this would typically agitate the neat-freak of a demon, he was much to occupied with his carvings to care at that moment.

Everyone was in awe at the deer's pumpkins, not just because of how many he planned to carve but also by how detailed the carvings were. His carvings were detailed and purposeful, he never hesitated and yet there wasn't a single flaw to be seen. He'd only carved four so far and they were nothing to scoff at, they were perfect carvings of his face, an old ham radio, a deer, and a strawberry. Anthony couldn't help but feel a small sense of warmth in his stomach at the strawberry carving, an obvious reference to him calling Al a strawberry pimp. His mismatched eyes stared lovingly at his daina as he hummed a jazzy tune as he thought hard about what to carve into his next six pumpkins.

After pumpkin six Anthony decided it was time Alastor took a break, and he was a bit tired of waiting on his perfectionist of a significant other, pumpkin guts didn't exactly feel nice sticking to his fur. He dragged his boyfriend by the waist as the shorter thrashed like a child, upset at having his fun interrupted but Anthony would have none of it. When he finally got the gentleman to the bathroom he grabbed hold of one of Al's antlers, something he learned would stop the deer in his tracks and make him submit, probably one of his deer instincts. Anthony sighs as he holds the tiny antler in a clean claw while putting soap and water on his sticky ones, trying his best to ignore the others whimpers, giving him attention would only give him power. Anthony finally let go after drying off his claws, but wasn't about to allow the deer to go running off, the deer seriously needed to give his claws a break before he ran them down to nubs. Alastor very reluctantly complied, though he did try his best to convince Anthony his concern was unnecessary as he had torn through several demons in the past and a few demons was nothing, but Anthony simply wasn't having it.

   After thoroughly washing and drying his claws, Alastor had returned to his cuddle session with Anthony by the fireplace. Alastor couldn't complain, the warm fire was cozy and burying his face in Anthony's chest fluff was likely one of the best feelings Alastor had experienced in his mayhem of a life and afterlife. Though he loved the blood and carnage of hell, he still enjoyed some downtime, and such time was best spend with his angé, even if they didn't always agree on what to do with this time. Anthony didn't care nearly as much about hell's usual shit, but he did have a lot of fun fight in turf wars with Cherri, and if Al called him to help with a fight even if he didn't particularly need the assistance, he sure the hell wasn't going to complain.

     Finally, it was time to light there candles. Alastor had no problem spilling a drop of blood to spark a small flame on his finger tip. One by one the candles were lit, until only Alastor's candles were left. As everyone set up their jack-o-lanterns, Anthony couldn't help but melt at Alastor's excitement as he started placing his around random places outside the hotel, pretty soon you could find a pumpkin everywhere you went in the area as the deer enthusiastically placed his jack-o-lanterns in some of the oddest places you could think of. Though the behavior was odd, everyone thought better then to question him.

Everyone gathered around in a group to see their pumpkins illuminating the night. The ones with their faces put out on full display as their faces gave light to the void of the darkness. Anthony held Alastor close to his side as the buck admired the light show, but his eyes couldn't seem to move away from the way the gentle lights cast a hypnotic spell as they illuminated Alastor in just the perfect way. Alastor was pulled closer to his side as he places gentle kisses on his ears, sending shivers through the deer, but he didn't seem to mind. Though Anthony didn't love the time of year as much as Alastor, he had to admit, he wouldn't trade that moment for anything in the world.

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