☁️RadioHusk Week 2022: Married Life☁️

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  Alastor twisted and turned the wedding ring on his ring claw, Husk laying beside him on their plush bed, admiring the golden ring and his loving husband wearing it. Alastor smiles and holds Husk claws with his own, the usually grumpy cat smiling back as he gripped the overs crimson claw, for once not covered by black gloves. Husk rarely ever saw Alastor's hands, something he knew to be because of the overlords aversion to being touched, so seeing Alastor's hands without the aforementioned fabric separating their touch truly was special in a way. Husk sighed in content as his golden eyes locked with the bright scarlet ones of the man he married not so long ago, moving his free claw to run it through the red and black locks of his beloved overlord. Alastor nuzzled his head into his lovers touch, a soft sigh of satisfaction escaped Alastor's lips as he enjoyed Husk gentle touch. Husk was the only one Alastor allowed to have prolonged contact with him, even Nifty was kept at a time limit, although one considerably longer than on average. Husk felt warms bubble in his chest thinking about how he had certain privileges with Alastor other people did, but that's just normal married life, isn't it?

"I'm pregnant" Alastor told him out of the blue one day, causing Husk to choke on nothing but air as he looked wide eyed at his husband. Husk looked down at Alastor's stomach in astonishment, how the hell could Alastor even get pregnant in the first place? Husk fainted almost immediately after his brain had the time to fully and completely process aims understand exactly what he just heard, this had to be a dream, there was absolutely no way in hell this was real after all, right? Yet as he woke up to his husband, holding a positive pregnancy test clutched in his claws and a look in his eyes no one else would see, but he knew instantly to be a look of fear, he knew that this wasn't just a dream. Husk gently laid a claw on Alastor's belly, even though it was still as thin as it usually was for now, he just couldn't believe a whole baby was slowly growing inside of such a small stomach. Husk started to tear up as he looked up at Alastor again, a soft smile gracing his cheeks as he pets the scraggly fur of the chimera, "I fuckin' love you Al" Husk mumbled.

Pregnancy was proving to be very stressful for the couple, the morning sickness was causing both of them to lose sleep as Husk would tuck Alastor's hair back to prevent puke getting on it, and his other claw would be rubbing Alastor's back in an attempt to soothe him. Then the mood swings and cravings started kicking in, that might have been the worst part of you were to ask Husk, Alastor constantly demanding the weirdest food combinations and throwing a tantrum when he didn't get them immediately was starting to make the feline lose fur. This only got worse as the baby started to develop and Alastor started to gain weight, now Alastor was constantly flipping between passive aggressive and silently depressed, and that did not make Husk feel any better about the situation. Yet, it wasn't Husk who was pregnant and dealing with all the pain of carrying a baby, so he just sucked it up for Alastor's sake, even if it was a god damn hard task.

  Husk and Alastor both always believed that shit about seeing your child on the ultrasound for the very first time to be an extreme exaggeration, yet if you were to ask either of them how they felt when they saw the ultrasound that day, they'd refuse to answer. Both were in tears as they looked at the pictures of white static that formed into their baby, small cat like ears and a tail similar to Husk own barely visible in the mess of white static against a pitch black background. Nifty was extremely eager to see it when they came to visit the hotel the next day, she squealed and cood in excitement and adoration as she examined the photo. Angel was almost as eager to see it as Nifty was, it was a little known fact that Angel liked kids so he was really excited for the up coming baby, as was Charlie of course. Vaggie wasn't exactly excited, but she was supportive and congratulated them on their miracle in hell, especially since it was very rare for sinners to have the ability to give birth in hell, not even including the fact that Alastor is a man. While no one is entirely sure how it was Alastor managed to get pregnant in the first place, that wasn't really the first thing on anyones mind, they were all just excited to welcome a new bundle of joy.

Screaming and loud angry static blasted from pentagram cities only hospital as Alastor had gone into labor and was currently giving birth to his and Husk new kitten. Husk was screaming in pain himself as Alastor's claw started to crush his own, and as much as he would like to complain about it, he knew it wouldn't exactly be the right time or place to be complaining about that, especially after their baby was just born. "Congratulations, it's a healthy baby boy" they heard the nurse congratulate, just as Alastor's screaming and radio static seized, only to be replaced with the crying of their newborn kitten. Alastor was absolutely exhausted, yet he pulled through long enough to hold the newborn in his arms, admiring the dark brown fur and bright red hair of his baby. Husk took the baby kitten into his arms as Alastor finally passed out from the exhaustion, the babies eyes remaining closed as it slowly seemed to calm down, Husk smiled softly at his son. "Hey their Haze, welcome to Hell" Husk said in a soft tone, and cradled his son close to his chest. This is the story of how Haze the radio cat is was born.

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