⛈Foolish Love🌤 Past Valastor

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Alastor was struggling to keep his ever prominent smile as he watched the pimp leave him in the dust. What went wrong? Just moments ago everything seemed normal, he was sitting on Val's lap wrapped in the moth demon's many arms, then Valentino suddenly said it was best they see other people. Alastor was heart broken, how could he be so foolish as to fall in love with a pimp? Did he really expect such a relationship to last? He supposed he did make that fatal mistake, else his heart surely wouldn't feel so awful would it?

Alastor took a week off from the hotel. During that week, he was planning to stay home, listen to his beloved radio, and read to calm himself down. Unfortunately, that's not what ended up happening, instead, he slaughtered any demon he caught even looking at him in a way he didn't like. He was taking his anger out on demons that-as far as he knew-hadn't wronged him in the slightest. The small amount of morality he had felt bad, but quickly faded when remembering Valentino. So what if a few sinners die? It's not like anyone is innocent anyways.

For a small amount of time, he thought maybe he could make a small change. Not become good-oh no! Simply not murder as much maybe, at least without a logical reason. Now...he almost didn't care who he slaughtered, he'd do it slowly and torturously painfully. What was their pain compared to the feeling of heartbreak inside of him? Compared to the loathing he felt towards that treacherous moth-towards himself for believing that they could ever be a stable couple! He should have known he'd be thrown away easily, just as easily as the lecher threw away his countless harlots! Just as easily as he'd thrown out his poor rival..maybe he'd pay him a visit.

Alastor sighed as he entered the office of his greatest rival, and though this was the last place he wanted to be, the tv demon was the only one that could possibly understand how Alastor felt at that moment. Vox looked up with a pissed off expression, only for his eyes to widen and turn to shock as he saw the red deer. While Alastor's signature smile was still spread across his face, it was broken and held no real joy or pleasantness behind it. Vox recognized the expression of heartbreak on the red deer, who would have known his greatest rival would be the one he needed in his most desperate of moments? They ended up staying together in the studio, talking about the way Valentino treated them, about how he hurt them. In the end they both wanted nothing more then to make him feel what they felt.

   Valentino would eventually come crawling back to one of them, it was always like that. He always ended up breaking someone's heart only to come crawling back when he realized he needed them, this was typically Vox. This time however, Alastor was also a main contender, so it was a simple waiting game for the two media overlords. Until that inevitably happens, the two men started to grow close to one another, they still didn't agree on the others choice of media, but they were able to get along rather well as long as the topic was avoided. They were like two peas in a pod the two, almost inseparable, and quickly Alastor was able to revert to his normal self again.

Just as predicted, Valentino ended up crawling back, begging for Alastor's forgiveness but never actually apologizing, of course he didn't. He didn't actually feel remorse for breaking their hearts, he just regretted missing out and such good business opportunities! This irked Alastor to his core, and he was more then happy to turn Valentino away, but what would be the fun in that? No, first he had to play with him a little, make him truly regret it. Valentino's face when he saw Vox was priceless, nothing could possibly compare to the look of defeat on his face.

The two media overlords celebrated that night, maybe getting a bit drunk along the way. Neither one was in their right mind, all they knew is in that moment they each realized how much the other meant to them, and couldn't seem to separate from one another. Next thing they knew Alastor's lips were attached to Vox screen, tongues fought a war for dominance that the TV demons more experienced tongue won with ease, and they stared at each other, but out of breath. Neither one would let go of each other, Vox arms wrapped around Alastor's waist, Alastor's arms draped around Vox shoulders, the two were in absolute bliss.

The morning was a bit awkward, they both knew the other was drunk, but they still felt the same they did last night. If there was even a sliver of comfort to the situation, they were still in there clothes when they woke up that morning. Alastor cooked breakfast as always, since Vox could just get by eating cereal every morning, but Alastor being the foodie he is wasn't going to allow that. Breakfast was mostly ate in awkward silence, until Vox cleared his throat catching Alastor's attention as his ears perked up in interest. "Look...Al, I know we were both drunk and shit but...I don't want to pretend that none of that ever happened" Vox starts. Alastor feels his cheeks lightly burn, his signature smile turning sincere and his eyes soften as he gazed into the digital eyes of his former enemy. "Neither do I" Alastor admits.

News of the two media overlords relationship traveled fast in hell, and it was met with a wide variety of different reactions. There were those that hated the union since it meant two powerful media overlords would be joined together, while others were foolish enough to think it meant they could use one against the other. Some celebrated the union while others suspected ulterior motives. Alastor's dear friend Rosie was very supportive of the union, she was very worried about Alastor when he and Valentino were together and was very relieved to see him with someone more like him. Mimzy on the other hand was not so kind. How dare this TV head steal away her Alastor! She berated their relationship, pointing out every single flaw she could possibly find, sighting things like "once enemies-always enemies!" Alastor was very oblivious and naive about Mimzy's feelings towards him, and lashed out in anger towards the petite woman. When they were alone however, Alastor was quite upset that someone he considered one of his closest friends could ridicule his choice to be with the man he loved so harshly, but Vox was there to comfort him like Valentino never was.

A decade or so later, the overlords were at the hotel on their wedding day, where they were to be wed by Lucifer himself. Vox stood at the aisle waiting nervously for his buck to arrive, only to be stunned when he arrived. Though the veil obscured his face, Alastor's thin frame looked absolutely stunning in the beautiful white wedding dress. Their vows were long, speaking of so long in their past, of how a boiling hatred turned to the flames of a love that would never go out. The rings glistened on their ring fingers as their claws intertwined and their lips met into a tender, loving kiss. In the end, they guessed they should thank Valentino, if it wasn't for him breaking their hearts, they wouldn't be where they are now.

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