Pieces Of Advice

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Apr 3, 2017

The Bangtan boys had just finished their last concert in the U.S. the day before. After what Dawa had heard from Jungkook and Soo-Gi, he kept a sharp eye on both of them. Jungkook only seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. He didn't talk as much as he used to. Since he had woken, he had been playing on his phone, only nodding and giving one-word answers when he needed to.

Dawa also noticed the other day after the concert, some fans crowding around a man in all black. Dawa couldn't see who the man was, but he saw that some of the people in people came out, holding a private picture of a BTS member, along with a sheet of paper. 'He's selling them again, the bloody arsehole' he scowled, finding the rest of his mates.

The plan was that they would stay in the U.S. for a few more days before going to their next location. This meant that they had a bit more time for their other hobbies and interests as well as cramming in some rest time in between their practices and rehearsals.

"Oh! Hyung, the interview we did when we first got here is supposed to be released today right?" Jimin asked from the couch that he and Taehyung were occupying. They were watching a Korean Drama from a laptop.

"Uhh, is it?" Namjoon asked looking up from his book.

"You idiots, it was already released yesterday." Jin let out a disappointed sigh.

"Then why didn't you tell us yesterday? I was waiting!" Jimin pouted. Taehyung was already searching for the interview on YouTube.

BTS Interview with What's The Vibe

4 million views - April 2, 2017


23bangtannie 12 hours ago

My boys work so hard! They only got a few hours of sleep, and I hope they're resting enough!

Chimmychimchim 12 hours ago

Okay, how do they look that flawless that early in the morning??

ZEROISMiJAM 12 hours ago

I can't with Zero's accent it's so hot and cute at the same time, and the way the rest of the members are picking up his British accent is so cute. That must mean he's teaching them English! ALSO HIS MESSAGE TO ARMIES, I CRIED!

Sellingmybloodsweat&tearsforwingsalbum 12 hours ago

I loved hearing about how they all get inspiration from different places, it's beautiful how different people have different processes! But do you know what's even more beautiful? Their freaking faces and personalities!

girlonfire 11 hours ago

Speaking of fans at airports, ZERO can f*** off! Cuz, he did not need to push that poor girl back into the crowd, what is his f****** deal? Have his parents not taught him any manners?

taekook 11 hours ago

@girlonfire, get lost sis, we don't need that kinda energy here

Life?whoisthat? 11 hours ago

@taekook, so you're okay with stuck-up people treating others as if they're not human? Zero is an a***hole. The fan was pushed onto him and he just pushed her back so harshly instead of asking if she was okay.

ZEROtheUGLY 11 hours ago

@taekook, I hate arrogant people like him. Like, just cuz BTS is finally getting more and more popular he thinks he can treat locals like they're lesser than him. He makes me sick.

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