x | the 'fake' date

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THE EVENTS OF this morning and afternoon completely warranted a nap.

I don't know how long I was out, but being awoken to my grumbling stomach was an indication that it was time for me to eat dinner. The only things in my system were Eggs Benedict and alcohol because I decided to skip lunch, fearing that my digestive system wouldn't be able to handle the aftermath of a panic attack.

I looked at my clock to see that it was only seven, so I got up from my bed and put my slippers on to make my way to the kitchen.

Right when I opened my bedroom door, my phone started ringing. For a second, I thought it was Ashton checking up on me again, considering that he spammed me with a million texts after either Lia or Aunt Lucy—most likely Aunt Lucy—told him what happened this afternoon. I texted him back with an 'I'm fine' before falling asleep.

So, I was not expecting to see my phone light up with another name.


Shit, did Savannah tell him? I mean, I don't blame her. I practically tell Vivian everything, but I was hoping to keep this private from my future husband.

"Hello?" I started cautiously, still in disbelief over his call. We haven't spoken to each other since the night of the party. Was I missing something? Did we have something tonight?

"You finally pick up," Jace stated icily.


I checked my phone to see some truth to the jackass's words. I had about five missed calls from him in the last hour.

"I apologize," I retorted, anything but sorrow in my tone. I don't know why I was getting so worked up. He had the amazing talent to ignite something in me by only saying four measly words. "I was sleeping."

He stayed silent for a few seconds, further making me believe that Savannah must've said something. "I'm outside."


"Outside of what?" I practically ran to the window, shocked to spot his Aston Martin from up here.

I imagined him pinching the bridge of his nose—like he always did when I said something that 'bothered' him, even though he practically was annoyed with everything I said—when he sighed. "Your fucking apartment, Kimberly."

It's nice to know we both got on each other's nerves.


"Did you eat?"

"No. Why are you outside of my apartment?"

"We're going to a restaurant."

"Why? We're not dating."

Another sigh and another image of him pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just fucking come downstairs." I contemplated hanging up, but was shocked by his next word. "Please."

"Give me ten minutes to get ready." I rushed back to my room—hanging up the phone—ignoring Vivian's curious gaze as she came out of her room.

Years of practice helped me achieve the ability to look pleasantly presentable in the blink of an eye. I immediately went for a red, satin corset top with studded straps. Once again, my cleavage left nothing to imagination.

I added a three-tiered diamond choker and a black leather miniskirt. For a second, I wondered if I was going to be overdressed for the restaurant, especially since I had no idea where we were going.

But, I immediately laughed at myself.

Since when the fuck did I care about being overdressed?

I was the type of girl to show up to the library in an evening gown. Not that I have, but I honestly would.

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