Carnival Date

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Your eyes went wide as Jimin pulled you around the corner of the street, standing you in front of the sign of the carnival that had arrived in time for the summer period. For weeks, Jimin had listened to you talk about how desperate you were to go, and with a rare day off to spend time with you, there was only one place that he had in mind to take you.

After a few moments, Jimin took a hold of your hand, pulling you across to the entrance where the ticket vendor was. As you moved, you tried to find your purse in the bottom of your bag, but once your hand landed on it, another hand quickly swatted it away.

"This is on me today, my date night," Jimin reminded you, taking his wallet out of his back pocket.

You couldn't argue with him as he handed the money across to the worker, before leading you across to the first of the stalls on the right as you walked into the carnival.

Your eyes couldn't help but admire the many teddies that were hung up around the stall, almost as if you were in a movie. Your actions didn't go unnoticed by Jimin either, immediately reaching for his wallet after taking a look at what game was at the stall.

"Why don't you tell me which one you want?" Jimin asked, guiding you towards the stall with his hand resting against the small of your back.

"You don't have to do that; I don't need a toy."

Jimin's head shook at your protest, not missing the wide smile that was on your face. "What sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn't win you a toy?"

"You know, we could just spend the money on the rides instead," you suggested.

However, Jimin's mind was already made up as he pressed a kiss to your cheek before approaching the member of staff that was sitting beside the stall. You stepped back nervously as Jimin picked up the water gun, listening to the worker go over the rules.

It seemed simple enough, fill the cartoon's mouth with water until the balloon popped, but with such a small hole to aim for you, you weren't confident. As the game went by, Jimin's confidence slipped too, failing to hit the hole, with his grip getting shakier as the pressure mounted.

You were left unsurprised when the bell rang to let Jimin know that his time was up, with just under a quarter of the balloon filled and ready to pop. Dejectedly, he placed the gun down as the bell rang, letting go of a sigh of frustration as he took a look at his poor attempt.

As he spun back around, you closed the distance between the two of you quickly, taking a hold of his hand and squeezing it gently in an attempt to reassure him.

"I'm not giving up on the first game," he told you as he began to look around some of the other stalls, "there's got to be something that I can do around here, don't they have some of those dance games around here somewhere."

Your head shook as you corrected Jimin's confusion between the carnival and the arcade, trying your best to pull him away from each of the stalls and towards the rides at the end instead.

Jimin wasn't quite as convinced as you were though, using his strength to pull you side to side whenever a stall caught his eye, biding his time until he found the one that he was confident on.

Your head shook as he led you across to the beer can stall, "I've got a good throw on me Y/N."

Your eyes widened as you watched someone already at the stall miss the can with the ball, "Jimin, I've seen you play table tennis, and your aim was horrendous when you did that."

"I was just faking it because I didn't want to scare the boys with how talented I was," he lied, reaching back for his wallet with his spare hand.

"If that's the case, can I record this and send it to the boys so they can see how good you really are?" You enquired, only for Jimin to shake his head, waving your phone away.

Once again, you took a step back as Jimin confidently stepped up, picking up the first of the three balls and throwing it up and down to get a feel for it.

"Y/N, is there a toy you've got your eye on?" He asked, just before taking your first throw.

You couldn't help the snigger that came from you as the ball flew off in the completely wrong direction from the can. Jimin's shoulders dropped as he picked up the next ball, unable to bring himself to look across at you before taking his throw.

As the ball missed yet again, there was only one left for him to try with. He made sure to take his time, practising his aim, before letting go of the ball, only for it to fly and bounce off of the shell that the tins were resting on.

"I swear they're nailed in or something," he huffed, spinning back around as the worker let him know that his game was over.

However, his disappointment didn't last for too long as Jimin looked across to the other side of the road, noticing a stall that he knew would be right up his street.

His hand squeezed yours as you let go of a groan, noticing that he had found the perfect game for him, with a basketball hoop hung up, remembering his years of training from Yoongi.

"I've got a good feeling," he whispered before letting go of your hand to take out some money.

You smiled weakly at his optimism, unsure quite how talented Jimin was with a basketball in his hand, trying your best to trust him.

"You know, I think that brown toy would look great in your bedroom," Jimin smugly told you as he handed his money across to the worker, "it'll be there when you fall asleep tonight."

Your head nodded as Jimin confidently stepped up to take his first shot, only for the ball to bounce off of the rim of the hoop, landing straight into the hands of the worker just under it.

"That was actually quite close," you commented in surprise.

A chuckle came from Jimin as he lined up his next shot, bouncing up a little higher on his toes, only for the ball to bounce off of the backboard, falling just away from the hoop.

"I've just got to find the balance between the two."

You didn't say a word, keeping Jimin in the zone as he faked his shot a couple of times to try and find the right way to do it. You watched nervously as Jimin bounced up and let go of the ball, barely able to watch as the ball flew up, somehow going cleanly through the hoop, not bouncing at all on any part of the ring.

"How did you do that," you chuckled as Jimin spun around to look back at you.

His shoulders shrugged, stunned himself despite his confident persona, feeling a hand tap against his shoulder as he looked to see the worker handing the teddy out to him.

"See, you should have had a bit more faith in me, I told you that I'd win you a toy."

"Who knew you were so good at basketball," you laughed, taking the toy from Jimin as he extended it out for you to take.

His arm moved around your waist as the two of you carried on walking again, "what do you say? Maybe it's time to ride some of the rides?"

"You've wasted enough money on games for one day."

"Wasted? I can take that teddy back you know."

"No way, you won it for me, remember?"

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