Comforting You When You're Feeling Low

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The expression on your face alone was enough to shatter Jimin's heart as he walked through the front door, finding you laid out across the sofa, with no lights on and the room in silence with the television screen black.

"Y/N," Jimin nervously spoke, tiptoeing through the room until he stood at the foot of the sofa.

You quickly reached up, wiping your hands over your eyes to discard the tears that had fallen, forcing a weak smile onto your face as you looked to him. In response, Jimin picked your legs up, replacing them with him on the sofa, moving your legs into his lap to rest.

"Were things that bad today?" He enquired, continuing to break as your head nodded in reply.

The days had been tough for you, and in turn they were tough for Jimin as he watched you struggle though. As he reached across to take a hold of one of your hands as you lowered them to your side, he could feel the fragility of your skin against his.

"Do you want to tell me what's happened?" Jimin then asked, running the top of his thumb softly over the back of your hand, "there's no pressure on you to say, I just want to help you Y/N."

Rather than speak, you turned your body around so rather than your legs resting in Jimin's lap, it was your head, instantly feeling his free hand place to the top of your head, through your hair.

"It's just been tough," you admitted, although Jimin already could tell. No one cried the way that you did for no reason, no one hurt as much as you did without it being justified either.

"You're doing really well though," he tried to encourage, brushing his hand through your hair.

If it wasn't for the fact that your voice was faltering more with every word that you spoke, you would have opened up to Jimin more. You weren't quite sure if you had it in you currently to get through your troubles without completely breaking.

"If you don't want to talk, then let me," Jimin suggested in a quiet whisper, "I can try and distract you, and make a good attempt to try and make you feel a little bit better too."

Your head shook back at him as you turned your head to the left to meet his eyes. "You don't need to look after me, I know that you've got enough things to be worrying about by yourself without adding me into the equation."

In response, Jimin's head shook too, craning his head down far enough so that his lips could graze over yours, peppering a few of the softest kisses you had ever received from Jimin against you with a comforting smile on his face to match.

"I wish I had the strength that you have first of all, you might be going through a hard time right now, but one thing I admire about you is the fact that you never give up."

A crimson blush soon found its way onto your cheeks as Jimin continued to speak, every word that came from him was reassuring, filling you with plenty of love and making sure you knew exactly how special he thought you were too.

"You've got the most beautiful smile," he continued to compliment, "it's no wonder that so many people adore you when you look at them with those bright eyes of yours too, the way you admire people always makes them so relaxed around you."

You soon found yourself attempting to bury your face against Jimin's chest, but his hands quickly moved away from your head to pry you back. He loved seeing the way you looked, and best of all, finally seeing a hint of your smile too.

"You don't need to do this," you tried to remind him, but once more, you were ignored.

"I do," he instantly replied as you finished speaking, "I've not even began to distract you by telling you how smart you are yet and what a sexy quality I find your intelligence to be of yours."

There was a reason you were under so much pressure, and Jimin knew that was because there was no one more capable than you. The faith in you came at a price however, a price that was far too high and causing you too much anguish to cope with.

You'd tried to battle on with a smile on your face for as long as you could, but the last few days had seen you crash and burn. You had no weapons left to fight with, as the smile on your face continued to turn into a frown more and more every day.

Your barriers instantly came up when you began to feel yourself struggle too, although it was something that Jimin was used to, that never meant he liked it. He wanted to make sure more than anything else that you knew that he was there for you.

As he continued to give you the boost that you needed, a hint of a smile finally appeared on your face. You knew your cheeks would be dark, but your heart was filled with enough love to make sure you knew how appreciated you were.

"Thank you," you whispered when Jimin eventually fell silent, "you're the best."

His head shook as he moved his hand to cup against the side of your face, "you don't need to thank me, I just want to keep making sure that you know that you're not alone."

"Of course, how could I not after that?"

"And I hope you know too that I meant every word," he added, ensuring that he contact with your eyes so that you could see his sincerity, "sometimes we all have tough times, but it's important that you know that you're never by yourself when things get hard."

Your head nodded back across at him, feeling more thankful then ever to have him by your side. You were never quite sure how you would get through things without Jimin supporting you, always being able to find the rights things to say.

"It's all just been a bit too much recently," you smiled up at him as his hand moved back to run through your hair, "I'm stressed, overwhelmed, and I don't really know what to do, but you're the one constant who has always been around to give me the help that I need."

"You're at home with me, it's your safe place," he assured you.

There was nowhere else quite like home, and there was no one else there for you quite like Jimin was either. It was the perfect combination that would see you through, despite how prolonged your struggle seemed for now.

As he always reminded you, the bad times were temporary, and you knew with the right people around you, eventually the good would start to come around for you again.

"Tomorrow is a new day," Jimin then spoke up to remind you, leaning down once again to press a kiss to the top of your head softly.

With that, your eyes began to close as you positioned yourself comfortably in your lap. Although there was still a pressure in the top of your head, Jimin's touch eased the struggle, reassuring you that he was still there.

"Thank you," you repeated as you turned to face Jimin's chest, "you have no idea how big of a help you are for me."

"You never have to thank me, I promise."

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