He Becomes Needy For Your Attention

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Your phone rang for the sixth time in the past hour, Jimin's name flashing up on the screen. You sighed, dropping your pen on your desk, choosing to accept the call.

"Finally, what's going on? Why did you take so long to reply?" You could hear the panic in his voice as he fretted over why you missed his first five calls. "Oh, wait, you're revising aren't you?"

"I'm trying to Jimin. What's with all the calls? You always text me when you need me."

"I know, but I want to see your face. Do you think you could come to the studio for a bit, bring your revision, I'll help you, I just really want your company."

Not twenty minutes later you were at the studio with him, laying out on the sofa with all your notes laid out ready for your exam. Jimin sat with his headphones on, altering the bridge of one of his songs, humming along with it until it was perfect.

It didn't take so long, his mind was incredibly musical, as the headphones came down, landing on his desk. He turned back, glancing at your figure, staring between all the pages of notes. A wry smile appeared, a little giggle escaping, wheeling his chair over to you.

"I'm done," he smiled, resting his hands on your folded legs.

You remained silent trying to finish the topic, nodding your head lightly in response. Jimin frowned, squeezing your legs to try and get your attention.

"Jagi, did you hear me? I'm finished."

You sighed, looking up at him, "good for you Jimin, but I'm not. You asked me to the studio to see me, but I also need to revise for this exam, I can't mess this up." His hand came up, brushing through your hair, bringing your face towards his.

"Please, you just look so beautiful right now, five minutes, that's all I ask, then I'll leave you alone." You couldn't say no to his pouting lips, his baby blue eyes stared at you desperately.

You stood up from the sofa, allowing his hand to guide you into his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist. "Jimin, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's perfect. I've just been missing you a lot, and I know you're working hard for your exams, and I'm proud of you. But today I've just needed to be with you and know you're doing okay."

You pressed a quick kiss to his lips, brushing his purple hair out of his face. "I can always make time for you, I've missed hanging out with you, but soon I'll be all yours, whenever you want me. Just give me a little while longer to get this revision done, and I'm here."

You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he was too strong. "You said five minutes, now stay put."

"Okay, I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

He began to hum one of your favourite songs, in the hope it would melt your heart. He continued to glance between you and the clock, hoping your eyes wouldn't focus on the time, and more the overwhelming feeling of comfort his grip had over you.

Usually he would love to cuddle you, and give you quick kisses, but recently he couldn't get enough of you. He wasn't sure what changes you had made, but he found himself falling more in love with you, becoming more desperate for your company, every single day.

Half an hour later you finally stirred, jolting yourself awake when you began to feel yourself get too comfortable. "Jimin, babe, I need to get back to my revision," you whispered.

"No, you don't." He sat up, asleep, tightening his hold on you. "I know it's important to you, but just give me a while to hold you, I've missed doing this."

"Why don't you hold me whilst I revise. I can still sit here, cuddle you, kiss you, but I can get my work done too. It's like the best of both worlds. As important as you are to me Jiminie, I cannot fail this exam, this is my future."

He sighed, nodding his head. "You're right, this exam is huge, and I want you to succeed." He wheeled his chair back so you could pick up all the necessary bits you needed to help conclude your studies for the day. "Can I help in anyway?"

"Just being here is good enough for me right now Jimin, it's the biggest motivation I need. You go back to sleep, you've been working hard too, you need it."

"Why don't you look at my face? All this adorableness must make you feel a lot better." You looked up at his face, a soft pout turning into his tongue poking out, dimples showing. "Cute, right?"

"Oh yeah," you smiled, "very sexy."

He winked down at you, ruffling the top of your head. His loose arm came up, flexing his muscles, making sure you remembered just how strong he was. You grabbed his bicep, squeezing it gently, shrugging your shoulders.

"I suppose it's alright," you teased, rolling your eyes. Jimin gasped, shaking his head in disgust at you.

"You'll regret that."

With ease, he lifted you up, spinning you around the room. You couldn't help but squeal, clinging to his frame tightly until he sat back down. As soon as he did, his hands came down, tickling your sides.

"Admit I'm strong," he ordered, smirking at your pleas for him to let you go. "Say, that I'm strong."

"You're strong!" You shouted.

Instantly his hands released you, picking up all your pieces of revision. "Now, was that so hard?" You shook your head, noticing his smirk. "Get back to revision you genius, and don't leave me. Wake me if you need anything."

"I will. Have a good sleep gorgeous," you whispered, pressing a feathery kiss to the tip of his nose. "Try and keep those snores to a minimum, some of us have got work to do."

"Jagiya! I do not snore."

"Whatever you say sweetness, whatever you say."

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