Learn The Language

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The sound of Namjoon's voice calling out for him to enter brought a smile to Jimin's face, carefully opening up the door to look across at his leader. Namjoon switched his computer off, inviting Jimin to take a seat, noticing the notebook that he held in his hands.

"Do you have some spare time?" Jimin asked as he took a seat, "I've got another date with Y/N tonight, and I wanted to ask for your help with a few more English phrases that I could use to impress her."

Namjoon instantly nodded, slapping his hands against his thighs with excitement. He quickly encouraged Jimin to open his notebook up, keen to help him learn as much as possible, knowing how much of a liking Jimin had taken to you.

"Tell me the things you want to say, and I'll translate," Namjoon instructed, paying close attention to each sentence that Jimin said, thinking over in his head how best to translate it. Once Jimin was finished, he grabbed a pen, taking the lid off and getting ready to write.

"Just take it slow with me," he reminded his leader.

Namjoon nodded, going over the first sentence Jimin had wanted to say, letting you know that he was thankful you agreed to another date. He carefully listened as Namjoon spoke each word out, writing it down on his piece of paper.

"How many dates have you been on now?" Namjoon asked, nodding his head as Jimin held up four fingers, concentrating on his writing.

Although the two of you had gotten by with the basic Korean that you'd learnt, Jimin wanted to impress you by picking up on your language too. Despite having a few of the basics too, he hoped that showing you how much he cared would encourage your feelings towards him.

"If you really want to impress her, you could say thank you for agreeing to go on a fourth date with me," Namjoon suggested to him. Jimin's eyes lit up, writing down the extra information instantly, knowing that it would go a long way in impressing you.

Once he'd written it down, he looked back across to Namjoon. "So, I'd say, thank you for agreeing to going on a fourth date with me?" Jimin asked. The silence that came from Namjoon worried him, tapping his elder on the arm.

Namjoon weakly smiled back at him, "you're almost there, but remember it's just go, not going, when you put to before the verb. Although I'm sure Y/N will forgive you for a couple of mistakes, you're still learning."

Although Jimin knew you'd be understanding of a mishap here and there, it wasn't what he wanted. He wanted perfection, not just for his own satisfaction, but for you too, to be able to show you how dedicated he was in giving things a go with you.

"To go?" Jimin repeated once again, relieved this time when Namjoon nodded back at him.

He reached out, giving Jimin a high-five. "Why don't you tell me the other phrases you want to learn, I'm sure we can get through most of them if we keep working at this pace."

A little over an hour later, Jimin's page was full of notes from his quick lesson with Namjoon. The sentence he wanted to use were stored in his memory, and if he needed it, it was all written down ready to memorise too.

Jimin couldn't hide his pride in the smile that he wore, closing his notebook away before looking across to Namjoon, reminding himself just how valuable his leader was.

"I really appreciate you taking the time to help me, it means a lot," he smiled.

Namjoon pushed him gently, "you don't to thank me, pabo, I'm always happy to help, especially when it's something as adorable as your date with Y/N."

For the rest of the afternoon, Jimin went back over the phrases as he got himself ready, reciting them into the mirror as he fixed his hair, even whispering them to himself as he drove past people on the way to your apartment.

And yet as he pulled up outside, seeing you waiting by the door for him to arrive, it suddenly felt as if everything Jimin had learnt from Namjoon had disappeared, leaving him speechless without a clue as to what to say.

"Jimin?" You questioned, peering through the window, with the door locked.

"Sorry," he mumbled, quickly unlocking the car so that you could get in and greet him.

His smile was small as you looked across at him, instantly confused as to what was evidently troubling him.

No matter how hard he tried to wrack his brain, the words failed to come from him. He knew you were waiting, hanging on to hear whatever it was that he had to say, and yet as he tried, there was nothing in his memory.

Instead, he simply smiled back at you as he pulled away from your apartment, leaving you bewildered as to what was going on with him and his behaviour too.

"How have you been?" You asked him, trying to break the awkwardness.

Jimin's eyes flickered across to look at you momentarily in response to the sound of your voice. "Good, and you?" He replied, turning back to the road almost instantly.

Your head nodded, although you were far from certain that anything was good with him. Although you'd only been on a couple of dates, it didn't take much for someone to be able to pick up on the way that Jimin acted that something wasn't quite right.

"Are you excited?" He then asked you, recalling the skills he'd used from the many shows he'd performed to keep the conversation going.

"You've not even told me where we're going yet."

"It's a surprise, you have to wait and see."

As the car fell silent again, you suddenly heard a gasp come from Jimin, with your eyes darting across at him, you were surprised to see a smile across his face.

"What is it? What's happened?"

"I remember," he chuckled to himself, slowing the car back down and glancing across to you. "Namjoon showed me some words," he informed you, clearing his throat. "Thank you for agreeing to go on a fourth date with me."

Your head shook with a chuckle, "I thought something bad had happened you fool."

Jimin mumbled a quick apology back at you for making you worry when you had no need, relieved that he'd managed to remember.

"How could I not agree to a fourth date with you?" You asked him, "I'm enjoying getting to know you, and it's excellent practice for my Korean. Sounds as if it's good practice for you to work on your English skills as well."

"Yeah," he agreed, although very little of what you had said made sense to him. "I want to learn to make you happy," he proceeded to ask, giving himself a few moments to make sure that he'd got his words the right way round for you.

You smiled appreciatively back at him, "and I want to learn for you too. Maybe we could both teach each other, how does that sound?"

"Very good. I like it."

"Me too."



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