Telling The Other Members That You're Pregnant

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You couldn't help but laugh as six smiles grew as you walked into the rehearsal room holding onto six bags. Murmurs of food were quickly mentioned, with Jimin having to very quickly assure them that there was in fact no food in your hands for any of them.

"If you're not bringing us food, then why are you here?" Taehyung pouted as you passed a bag each to the boys, "is it an anniversary or something?"

Namjoon nudged him from his side, "stop sounding so ungrateful, it's obvious that they've bought us something, no food company has bags like this, I'm sure they've got something good."

"It's definitely good," you spoke up, taking a seat beside Jimin to complete the circle. "Or at least I hope you guys will think it's good anyway."

You'd made sure to keep the bags taped firmly shut to stop any peeping eyes looking in. You couldn't trust any of them when it came to surprises, they always loved to find as many ways as possible to try and ruin them.

"When can we open them?" An impatient Hobi asked from opposite you both.

"Just wait," Jimin chuckled, picking up one of the water bottles that was scattered around and launching it at him. "Honestly, it's been so many years I thought by now you'd have been able to hold out for a surprise."

The longer you kept them waiting, the more confusion grew amongst them as they tried to figure out what exactly was going on.

"Is this your way of telling us you're leaving the group?" Jin teasingly called out, "have you brought us a present to soften the blow of your departure and not make us end up hating you."

"No!" Jimin yelled, "I said the surprise was a good thing anyway."

Jin shrugged back at him, knowing exactly how to push all of Jimin's buttons. You could only chuckle beside Jimin, having gotten used to how much they all loved to wind each other up, you'd learnt to never give them too much of a reaction too.

"Before any of you start celebrating Jimin's departure, why don't you open the bags," you spoke up, making sure that no more trouble arose amongst the group.

You barely had time to finish your suggestion before the tops of the bags were being ripped open, tape flying across the room as they all vied to be the first one to take a look at the contents and yell out what was inside.

"What's this all for?" Yoongi very quickly questioned.

"Isn't it obvious?" Jungkook questioned back to him, tipping the contents of his bag out onto the floor, "although haven't you guys just had one, where do you find the time to have another one so quickly?"

Yoongi continued to look at you both in confusion, "I don't get why you've given us all of these, and a dummy too, why on earth would I want one of them?"

"What uses a dummy?" Jimin then asked him, struggling not to laugh at Yoongi's bemusement. "You've seen one using a dummy quite recently?"

"Another baby?" Yoongi finally yelled, as everything fell into place.

Beside Yoongi, Hobi let go of a loud chuckle. "You guys really don't hang around, do you? It only feels like yesterday you were letting us know you were pregnant with Y/D/N."

Your eyes rolled as Namjoon approached you, wrapping his arms around you in congratulations. You knew straight away you could count on him to be the calm one in the group, and the one that would be most excited for the two of you too.

"You've got a right clan growing these days," Jin teased, "how many is this now? Baby number six? Seven? I think I've just about lost count after all of these years."

Jimin glared across at him, very quickly making him fall silent. "It's baby number three if you must know, any good uncle would know that about though."

"Hey! I'm a great uncle, and you know it!"

Jin's statement very quickly opened a can of worms about who was the best uncle. It came as no surprise to you, having heard the argument far too many times then you cared to remember ever since you fell pregnant with your first child a few years ago.

"They'll never change," Namjoon joked from beside you, the only one not to get involved. "You guys must be excited to have another little one, I remember you saying after Y/S/N that you wanted them to be close in age with each other."

"Yeah, that was definitely always the plan," you smiled, "and it seems to be working so far too."

Despite Jimin's busy schedule, starting a family had also been at the forefront of his mind for quite some time. Somehow, he managed to make things work, but without the support of the boys especially, he knew that he'd struggle a lot more.

Beside you, Namjoon continued to smile down at you, "I know we've said this to you a lot in the past, but seeing as you're pregnant again, I'll say it again. We're all incredibly thankful that Jimin has you in his life to love him and take care of him."

"Somehow we've managed to make this crazy life work," you reasoned.

"As chaotic as they are right now, I hope you know just hoe happy we are deep down for you too," Namjoon continued to speak, "seeing you live out your dreams is amazing."

"That means a lot," you honestly responded, "and it might be because I'm hormonal, but I'm very glad my family is raised with all of you guys around us too."

As finally the argument of who was the best uncle died down, Jimin returned to your side with a smile on his face, and an arm wrapping around your waist.

"Do we still have to act as if we're excited even though we've been through all of this two times before?" Jungkook asked you both.

Your eyes rolled back at him, "if I remember correctly, none of you were excited for the first one until Y/S/N arrived, and then none of you wanted to leave our home."

"Maybe third times the charm and this time we'll do something for you," Taehyung suggested, "but we'll do something for Y/S/N and Y/D/N too, we don't want them feeling left out with another sibling on the way."

"They're very excited to be a big brother and a big sister," you pointed out to him, "but they think that it means more time with you guys now."

They all quickly cheered, "there's no complaints from us," Yoongi grinned, "whenever you need us, we'll be right there for all of you guys."

"Definitely," Hobi agreed, "you've been through two pregnancies with us so far, and nothing too drastic has happened, yet."

His comment earned himself a hit against the arm from Jimin, determined to keep it that way too. "I'm just glad you guys are happy for us, and I want you to know yet again, I'll make sure this doesn't affect the group."

"We've been through it twice before; the third time will be easy."

"Imagine having to go on tour with three kids," Jin suddenly whispered.

"That's exactly why we have you guys for uncles!"

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