Restless Baby

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Your hand slammed down on the kitchen counter as you took a moment to balance yourself, breathing through the small pain that you felt in your waist. As you did, you could hear Jimin making his way down the stairs to head off to the studio.

You pulled yourself as upright as you could, just in time for him to walk into the kitchen with a wide smile on his face, heading in your direction straight away with his hand against your bump.

It was enough to make your body jolt, but you tried your best to see it through, forcing a smile onto your face as Jimin looked to you, assuring him that you were alright.

"The baby doing good?" Jimin questioned, glancing across at you.

Your head nodded in reply to him, stepping away from his hold as Jimin moved his hands from around you to start packing up his bag for the day. You took a seat at the breakfast bar as Jimin began to boil the kettle to make himself a coffee to take on his drive.

"Have you got any plans for today?" Jimin asked you, making conversation as he grabbed a few bits of food from the cupboards to throw into his back.

Your schedule was as empty as ever, barely able to get yourself out of the house. "I think my mum said she'd stop by later, but you never know with her."

The discomfort in your voice was still playing on Jimin's mind as you spoke, sensing that something didn't quite sound right. He knew you well, a lot better than you ever thought that he did, glancing at you again and again just to be sure.

"You could always come to the studio if you want to," Jimin suggested, moving around you to grab a piece of fruit from the breakfast bar, "I'm sure that the boys wouldn't mind."

Your head shook in reply to Jimin, as much as you appreciated the offer, you were worried about getting in the way with the discomfort that you felt in your tummy. The boys had work, whether you were pregnant or not, and you certainly never liked to get in the way.

"Are you going to be alright staying here all by yourself if your mum doesn't show up?"

Your head nodded, trying to talk as little as possible as you felt Jimin's eyes watching you. There was still a little bit of unrest in your side, your baby had managed to spin them around into a position that you'd never felt them before.

"Is there anything that I can do for you?"

Your head shook, still keeping quiet as you tried to focus on breathing through the feeling of discomfort and not dropping any hints to Jimin that something wasn't quite right.

Despite the weak smile that was on your face, Jimin still was doubtful unable to bring himself to trust you fully. He wanted to get you to the studio, or at least out so that he could keep an eye on you, but you were so far unwilling.

"Can you do me a favour?" Jimin asked as he began to throw his bits in his bag, "I've left my phone charger upstairs, I'm already running a bit late."

"Sure," you responded through gritted teeth, jumping lightly off of the stool, placing your phone into your back pocket before spinning around.

Your first few steps were pretty steady, however as you moved out of the kitchen, finding yourself with nothing to lean onto, you felt another heavy kick in your side, sending you wobbly and falling to the left quickly.

Jimin blinked several times as he watched you unsteadily walk, dropping his bag and running in your direction. His hands immediately went to your waist, unaware that that was the spot that was hurting you, not caring either as it stopped you from falling.

"Careful," he instructed, slowly turning you back around and walking you back into the kitchen.

One of your hands reached across and pushed Jimin's hand down so that it was no longer over your sore spot, allowing him to sit you back in the chair that you had just been in. Once you were sorted, Jimin grabbed you a glass of water and some tablets to ease the pain.

"Now be honest, is the baby doing good?" Jimin frowned as he placed what was in his hands in front of you, filled with panic. His eyes looked over you several times, telling straight away that your little wobble had shook you up too.

A soft sigh came from you, "it's nothing really to worry about."

Jimin's head shook as you tried to brush things off, not wanting to give him reason to fret. "Do you think that we should take you to the hospital just to be sure? I'm going to text Namjoon first and let him know that I won't be in today."

"Don't do that," you asked, grabbing Jimin's phone as he pulled it out, "the baby's just a bit uncomfortable, I'm sure that it will pass soon."

Whilst you tried to be optimistic, Jimin wasn't quite as positive as you. He knew that he couldn't leave you knowing that you had already had one near miss, without needing the worry of not knowing if you'd have another whilst he was gone.

As ever, the boys would understand and tell Jimin to do the exact same thing if they knew that you had fallen too. Before you knew it, Jimin had already sent the text to the boys without you being able to stop him, making sure that he spent the day at home, and most of all, that he didn't let you out of his sight.

"We're going to get you back up to bed, and I'm going to do absolutely everything for you all day long," Jimin promised, "you're not going to lift a finger."

You'd expected Jimin to get flustered, by you never imagined him to panic as much as he was. You knew that he was serious too, refusing to let you move.

In no time at all he had got you upstairs and back in bed, with cushions, blankets and heat pads laid all around you to try and ease your pain. You were swarmed, but Jimin wouldn't let you move a thing, knowing that it all helped.

"Have you eaten this morning?" He then asked you.

"I've not had time."

"I'll sort some food out," he assured, passing you your phone so that you had something to entertain you during your day on bed rest. "I might as well put that travel mug back too and put my coffee in an actual mug seeing as I'm sticking around."

Your head nodded at Jimin's offer knowing that there was no point in arguing with him. "Just take a breath," you tried to tell him as he fluttered around your bedroom to try and tidy it up, "I know you're worried about me, but I really am fine."

"If you get another pain, even if it's tiny then you have to tell me," Jimin warned you, running his hand along your feet as he walked along the end of the bed.

Once again, you nodded at his instruction, "with you looking after me, I'm sure that I won't feel anymore pains."

"We still have to be careful," Jimin reminded you, backing out of the room, "if you need me whilst I'm downstairs, call me, I've got my phone on me."

"You'll only be five minutes; things will be fine."

Jimin shot a glare across at you as you tried your best to stay calm. "I'm not running the risk of anything happening to you or the baby, promise me that you'll shout or call if you need me."

"I promise that I will."


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