Board Game Cheat

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Your eyes rolled as Jimin landed on yet another empty street on the game, holding his hand out for you to pass him a card as he counted up the money that he had to pay for the card to add to his growing collection.

Your head shook, throwing it across to him in frustration as he added to his pile of double figures whilst you still sat with only three cards to your name.

"You've got to be cheating at this, there's no way one person could be this lucky," you vented, laying the money he passed over back into the bank which you took care of.

"You're just terrible at rolling the dice," he laughed, poking his tongue out at you, "and you keep landing on all my properties."

You scoffed loudly, "can't you just give me a few of your properties instead?"

Jimin's head shook, moving his cards so that they were well out of your reach and safe in his hands. "This isn't how Monopoly works Y/N, you've got no hope of beating me now. You can just give up if you want to call it a day?"

Rather than speaking, you picked up the dice and rolled it, refusing to admit defeat to Jimin of all people and the smug smile that he had on his face.

"I'll turn it around you just wait and see."

As you rolled the dice, you finally landed yourself on a property that was yet to be bought, picking up the money and placing it into the bank and taking the card to add to your pile to make it four.

"Congratulations," Jimin sarcastically spoke up once the street was yours, swiping the dice and rolling for himself. You didn't even to look, knowing what was happening by the exaggerated sound of him counting out his money.

You snatched it from him as he handed it across, as you looked at where he'd landed, you picked up one of the houses and threw it against his chest. "I hope your house burns down in a fire or something," you sighed as he placed it down."

"I don't think they get housefires in Monopoly," he teased, watching as your brows furrowed together and your frustrations continued to grow. "I did warn you that I wouldn't go easy on you. I'll give you a moment to think whilst I go and grab a drink."

As he left the room for a moment, you noticed that he'd taken all of his cards with you. Your eyes fell on the lack of cards you had, and then to the board, noticing a street available in between two of the ones that he already had.

Your eyes looked back once again to see that he was still busy, flicking through the cards with the street names on, sliding out the one with the name on, adding it to your pile without Jimin knowing.

You just managed to add it to your pile before Jimin returned with a glass of water in his hand, and a smug smile still etched upon his face. "Who's go is it?" He asked as you took the dice and rolled it, landing on yet another free street and placing the money down for it.

Once the street was yours, you passed the dice across to Jimin as he rolled, counting on to his new destination. You watched intently as he landed exactly on the street that you'd claimed as your own whilst he was in the kitchen.

"Neither of us has that, so I think I'll take it."

"That's where you're wrong," you smirked, lifting the card up.

"I swear you didn't have that one a minute ago, because they're the same colours."

Your shoulders shrugged innocently, holding your hand out for Jimin to pay up the rent that was on your property. He did it all with a quizzical expression on his face but didn't argue too much knowing he was still very much in the lead.

"I really don't remember you getting that one," he whispered, "I must have been daydreaming."

Your head nodded back at him, "you need to pay close attention to everything that happens in these games otherwise all your tactics will go out the window."

It was almost impossible for you to hide your smile as the game continued, your next few rolls brought you a few more places whilst Jimin tried to hold onto what he had and keep his lead, frustrated as you began to catch up.

"How come you're suddenly getting all the luck?" He frowned as yet another roll left him with nothing, "are you sure you haven't just rigged this or something?"

"How?" You challenged as his shoulders shrugged, unsure as to how you'd suddenly managed to find some form. "You were the one that said this game all just relies on the roll of the dice, and now it's finally rolling on my side instead of yours.

His eyes fell on the pile of cards that you had in front of you, "I'm still not sure that you've won all of those, you must have done something when I went to the kitchen or sneaked a card or two in whenever I've blinked."

Your head shook, "I can't believe you'd think so lowly of me. Now who's the sore loser, just roll the dice otherwise we'll never finish this game."

"It just makes no sense," he continued to mumble as he picked up the dice and rolled it, moving his silver statue across, finally landing himself on a street that was yet to be claimed.

"See, I told you things would get better."

His eyes rolled as finally it was your own turn to be the arrogant one, "now I appreciate how annoying I must have been to you."

The two of you continued your game of cat and mouse as you moved around the board until eventually Jimin ended up bankrupt, bringing your game to an end, and ultimately leaving you as the winner of it all.

"I actually have a confession to make," you smiled as Jimin tipped the board down to start putting it away. You reached into your pile of cards and lifted the questionable one out. "I took this for myself whilst you were getting a drink as a reward for dealing with your smugness."

"So, you did cheat? I was right all along?" He yelled.

Your head nodded as he reached across and pushed gently against your arm, "you were having too much fun winning that I had to do something to stop you getting too carried away with yourself. I didn't think that it would change the game that much."

"You made me think I'd gone crazy by wondering where that card had come from," he groaned, running his hands through his hair, "I should have known better, I know exactly what you're like whenever we play a game together."

As angry as he wanted to be, his arms still wrapped around you, impressed that you'd managed to play the game for so long without dropping your act or admitting what had really happened to him.

"Does this still mean that I won the game?" You joked.

"Absolutely no way, we're calling this one a draw."



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