Baby Hands

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Your eyes couldn't help but fall on Jimin's hands as soon as they rested down to the top of your leg. A giggle came from you as you watched his fingers stretch out to cover as much of your leg as possible, making his hands look as big as possible too.

Your laughter didn't go unnoticed by Jimin beside you, puzzled eyes quickly looking across at you. In response to them, you rested your hand over the top of his that was against your leg.

His head shook as he soon realised exactly what had left you fascinated and chuckling to yourself. "Your hands are adorable," you told him, watching his eyes roll back at you.

"They're too small," he protested, refusing to let you dare compliment him.

Your head shook, bringing your fingers down to intertwine in with his, turning your hands around so that the back of his was on show. "How can you ever complain about your hands?"

Jimin could see the smile on your face, knowing that you weren't going to let him dismiss you so easily. "If you're going to say that my hands are cute then we're going to have problems."

"But they are," you argued with a groan, "all of your fans say that your hands are cute too."

"I think my fans are blind," he joked, feeling your hand squeeze against his several times. "I wish sometimes that I could have Namjoon's hands, they're nice and manly. They look grown up, mine still look childish."

Your head carried on shaking as Jimin spoke, refusing to listen to a word he said. You knew that you, and thousands of other people all couldn't be wrong about how nice Jimin's hands were.

You knew that they were something that he fretted about a lot at the same time too. Whenever he compared himself to someone else or wondered how things would be if his hands were different, you were the first person to shut him straight back down.

"You've got dancer hands," you told him with an assuring smile, "your hands are dainty and angelic just like a dancer should be."

His smile widened as you continued to try and boost his confidence. Jimin knew that you had a point, if there was one plus side to his hands, it was how amazing they looked whenever he danced.

"Do you know what else I think is good about your hands?" You quizzed, "that they manage to fit in so well with mine."

Jimin's eyes flickered down, noticing for himself just how well your hands slotted together. "I suppose that is one advantage to my hands being the size that they are."

Your head nodded in agreement with him, squeezing against him once again. "If your hands were any bigger then they'd make my hands look really tiny instead."

"Have you got an argument for everything?" Jimin sniggered back at you.

"To make you see that your hands are cute? I've got plenty of points that I can make."

His hands were something that you constantly found yourself watching, most of the time as instinct too. Jimin was all too aware of that too, often catching your eyes watching him as he played with his hair or got himself dressed. Rather than stare at his hair or his abs like most people would, you just found yourself drawn to watching how his hands moved instead.

They were like poetry in motion, somehow he had an elegance about him without even trying, a skill that you were incredibly jealous of that Jimin possessed.

"It's unfair," you declared as Jimin placed his other hand over the top of yours too.

"What is?" He enquired, catching the pout that was on your face. "Are you going to say that it's unfair that I have two cute little hands?"

Your head slowly nodded as Jimin read your mind perfectly, hearing him scoff beside you as he managed to figure you and your cliches out.

Once you had managed to stop yourself chuckling, your eyes looked back across at Jimin again. "I'm not wrong though," you warned him, "you have got two cute little hands that are the sweetest."

"I really need to find a way to stop you talking," Jimin replied, finding himself getting more and more flustered. "You know my ego really can't take much more of this Y/N."

"Then you should start listening to me," you suggested with a smirk, "and listen to all of your fans too when they tell you just how nice your hands are rather than beat yourself up about it."

"I had no idea you were so passionate about my hands," Jimin teased.

You struggled to understand how Jimin didn't see what so many others saw in him. You thought perhaps that it was just you, but when all of his fans began agreeing with you too, you knew that somehow you had to try and get him to see just how right everyone was.

Your eyes flickered down as Jimin nudged against your side, teasing you. "I've never known someone to love hands as much as you do," Jimin continued to joke with you, "some people would probably say that you're a little obsessed Y/N."

"How can I not be obsessed when your hands look like this?"

You lifted Jimin's hands up so that they were both in front of his face. "They're just hands," he tried to dismiss, but your head shook, getting more and more frustrated as he failed to see what you saw in him and how lovely his hands were.

"You shouldn't hate this," you tried your best to explain to him.

"I don't hate them, there's just plenty that I'd change about them," he corrected with a weak smile on his face. "Don't roll your eyes," he noted, catching you looking away in the hope that he wouldn't see what you were doing.

"Then listen to what I'm saying to you."

A soft chuckle escaped from Jimin, "if I argue that maybe there's a slight chance that my hands could be considered cute, will you leave me alone?" Jimin asked, catching your head slowly turning to look back across at him with hopeful eyes."

"They're little and cute Jimin."

"I draw the line at little," he laughed, shaking his head at your offer. "Cute at least makes my hands sound nice, little makes me sound like I've got the hands of a baby who hasn't quite managed to get to the start of their period of growth yet Y/N."

Your head nodded as he spoke with wide eyes, "that's exactly what you are, a cute little baby. Not only are you my baby, but I think you're the adorable baby of thousands of armies all around the world too."

"I'll agree to cute," he told you, refusing to budge.

Your head nodded back at him, relieved to finally get him believing in you just a little bit. "You can have cute hands, but you know in my head you'll always have your cute and little hands."

"Keep that bit to yourself."

"Promise," you laughed, "I won't tell the boys that I think you have little hands, I know how much they'll tease you."

"They'll never leave me alone if they know that."


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