You Appear On Knowing Bros Together

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Your eyes widened as you took your first glimpse of the school set, squeezing tightly onto Jimin's hand in excitement. He let go of a loud chuckle at your thrill, tightening his own grip against your hand.

"Calm down," he laughed, pulling gently against your tie. "You're going to end up scaring everyone in that classroom by the end of the day unless you just take a moment to breathe."

As soon as Jimin mentioned that you'd been invited to go on Knowing Bros together, you snapped his hand off. It was one of the few programmes you watched every week without fail, you were convinced you'd managed to make your way through every episode at least twice.

Throughout the whole journey to the set, you'd barely been able to sit still. You'd watched and admired the programme for so long, and now your chance to finally be on the show had presented it, fulfilling one of your biggest dreams.

Several apologies came from Jimin as he led you down to the corridor on the other side of the classroom. Most of the staff probably thought you were crazy for being as excited as you were, but you were metaphorically on the edge of your seat to get in the classroom and start shooting.

"We're ready when you are," one of the producers called out as the cameras started rolling.

Jimin nodded back at them, "we'll go now before she loses her mind."

You took a step back as Jimin took the handle of the door and pushed it across, hearing a chorus of cheers greet the two of you as you stepped in.

Despite your thrill, you tried your hardest to keep yourself as calm as possible, only smiling and bowing in the direction of the seven men who looked back at you. Jimin looked back and smirked across at you as you hid behind his figure.

"I'm Jimin," he smiled, waving briefly, "and I come from the school of my girlfriend hasn't shut up about being here all week."

"And I'm Y/N, and I come from the school of the girlfriend who can't believe she's actually here."

Hodong applauded loudly, the first to see the shine in your eye that was full of excitement. You smiled shyly across at him, struggling to believe that the same Hodong who you'd spent hours watching on the television was in front of you.

"It's nice to see you both," Heechul grinned, the first to speak up. "Y/N looks like she's just been told she's about to experience the happiest day of her life. You're only at Knowing Bros, it's nothing special."

Your head shook immediately in response, "you have no idea of how big a fan I am of all of you guys, I keep trying to get Jimin to pinch me because I don't believe it."

"If you'd rather date one of us than Jimin, just let us know," Soogeun teased.

Your eyes widened, picking up the hammer straight away to go over and hit the top of his head, making sure any jokes were squashed instantly. You'd learnt from watching Knowing Bros over the years that it was important to stand your ground early.

After your profiles were read out, Jimin invited you to sit down whilst he picked up the cue cards that had been left on the desk for you both. As he read through the first one, he couldn't help but chuckle, glancing across at everyone.

"Y/N loves this programme, but what event did she once miss out on with me because she wanted to stay at home and watch Knowing Bros instead?" He questioned.

Your eyes widened as you recalled the occasion. Jimin quickly spotted you sinking down in your seat, hitting the palm of your hand against your forehead. Heechul sniggered beside you, whilst Hodong knocked your seat with his foot.

"Was it a concert?" Kyunghoon questioned, raising his arm in the air. "I would pick one of your concerts over us any day of the week."

"It's not to do with the group," Jimin clarified, "something a bit more important than a concert."

"Have we ever aired on Christmas day?" Janghoon asked, trying to figure out the answer.

Jimin's head shook, "it wasn't Christmas, but if you were on, Y/N would watch it."

You paid close attention as guesses continued to be yelled, most of them completely off the mark. You only hoped that the guesses would continue for long enough that the answer wouldn't be read out, but as time was of the essence, a member of crew soon asked Jimin to give out a hint to help.

"Here's something that will make it easier to guess," he spoke up, walking back to the front of the classroom. "It was something to do with my family."

"Answer!" Sangmin yelled from the back of the classroom, "did you miss maybe a family birthday? Was it a special occasion that you decided to skip for us?"

Jimin's head shook, spinning around the room. "It was a special occasion, but not a birthday. Think of special occasions within a relationship."

"If it was a special occasion, was it maybe when you were meeting his family?" Youngcheol asked.

Jimin's smirk grew, as Hodong yelled out to add something to the end of it. "Did she forget about meeting your family because she was too busy watching Knowing Bros at home?"

"That's it," Jimin chuckled, throwing his arms up into the air. "I waited for an hour at my parent's before having to ring her and see whereabouts she'd got to."

"That is proper dedication," Soogeun cheered, "you really are a huge fan of all of us. I bet his family weren't too pleased though?"

Jimin's head shook, as he turned the card over to read over the next one. His eyes rolled as he read through it, meeting your eyes with a smile.

"Not many people know I made a cameo in Y/N's latest music video, but what was my cameo?" He asked, "and when I say no one knew about it, I mean no one knew."

"Were you a love interest?" Kyunghoon asked, earning groans from everyone for his obvious answer.

Even Jimin scoffed at his poor answer, trying to encourage them into the right direction better. "It was something very discrete, I don't think you would have been able to see my face in the music video unless you knew it was me you were looking for."

Janghoon called out next, "were you a part of the set, maybe something stupid like an animal or a plant in a costume?"

Jimin's shoulders shrugged, "you're not far off the mark with the costume part."

"I think I watched this video," Heechul grumbled, trying to remember it all. "I remember that there was a guy who had prosthetics on his face."

The sudden squeal from you pretty much gave the answer to the rest of the room. "Did you play the guy that tore the mask off at the end of the video?"

"That's it," Jimin laughed, as a photo came up on the monitor by the cameras. "The guy who was supposed to do it dropped out, and after a lot of convincing from Y/N, I agreed to put the prosthetics on and be the guy."

The two of you ran through the rest of the segments, participating in a game with Shindong before the shoot was finally brought to the end, and the two of you led off the set.

"So, did Knowing Bros live up to your expectations?" Jimin asked as you walked back into the room.

You smiled back at him, "it was everything I imagined and more. I really don't think I've laughed that much in a very long time."

"I'm glad you had a good time jagi."



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