Arc 1 chapter 2: classroom

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I disliked the entrance ceremony and imagined that many first-year students probably felt the same. The principal and the students exchanged excessive words of gratitude, there was far too much time spent standing in lines, and, with so many irritating things to deal with, it all felt like a huge pain in the ass. But those weren't my only complaints. The entrance ceremonies for elementary, junior high, and high school all meant the same thing: the start of another major trial for the children. In order for the students to enjoy their time at school, they must make friends, and there are only a few key days after the entrance ceremony to properly do that. Failure to do so signals the beginning of a rather tragic three years.

As someone who wanted to be sociable, I decided I'd like to establish proper relationships. Unfamiliar with the notion, I'd spent the night before in preparation, running through different scenarios.

For instance, should I burst into the classroom and actively start talking to people? Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address, so as to better befriend someone? Someone like me needed to practice, because this environment was so different from what I'd experienced this far. I was completely isolated. I had ventured alone into a battlefield, and it was do or die.

Looking around the classroom, I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate. It was at the back of the room, near the window. A good place to sit, generally. As I looked around, I saw that the room was already halfway filled with students. The others were either immersed in their class materials or already talking with other people. Perhaps they'd all been friends beforehand or had only recently gotten acquainted. I decided to talk to the quiet boy sitting next to me.

"Hi, I'm Ayanokouji Kiyone. Nice to meet you," I said, trying my best to smile.

I understood that it was imperative to get along with the person who sat next to you.

"Hi. I'm Kanzaki Ryuuji. Likewise." He said, shaking my hand.

Kanzaki seemed cunning, and shrewd. I could tell he was clever. By his grip strength, I could tell he was strong, too. I could tell he would make a good friend.

"What do you like to do, Kanzaki?" I asked.

"Well...I like to play sports, I guess. I'm not bad at academics or physical activities, so..." he trailed off. I could tell he wasn't very practised at socialising.

"Oh, I like sports too. Hey, looks like we have something in common ;)" I said.

(Yeah don't worry she's very oc)

"Oh right? What sports do you like to play?" He asked.

"Well, I play a little of everything, but I like swimming and running," I said.

"That's cool, I like running too." He was starting to open up, now.

Just then, a girl with strawberry-blond hair sat down next to Kanzaki.

"Hi. I'm Ichinose Honami. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" She asked.

"Um, I'm Kanzaki Ryuuji. This is Ayanokouji Kiyone. Nice to meet you too, Ichinose-san," He said, greeting me as well. I waved and smiled.

"Well, it looks like we're going to be seat mates for the next few years. I can't wait," she said, excitedly.

She certainly had a lot of positive energy. After a few minutes of talking, the first bell rang. At that precise moment, a woman entered the classroom. When I first saw her, my initial impression was that she drank. A lot. If I had to guess, I would have placed her age at thirty. She wore a pink T-shirt and had delicate features. Her hair was brown, and she wore it loose.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji KiyoneWhere stories live. Discover now