Arc 3 chapter 6: the end of the party

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3rd person POV

"Ayanokouji-san has gone to stay with class C for the rest of the week," said Ichinose to class B.

Her words were met with a minor uproar.

"What?! She betrayed us?!"

"How selfish!"

Ichinose looked down. She didn't want the class to hate Ayanokouji, but she also didn't want for Ayanokouji to betray the class.

"How do we know she's a traitor?"

Everyone turned to the voice of Kanzaki Ryuuji.

"Uh, because she left us for class C, go figure..."

"Perhaps it's a part of her strategy," he responded.

A few murmurs floated around.

"You see, Ayanokouji-san left the keycard next to the renewal pedestal. I don't think she'd do something like that by accident. Perhaps she meant for us to use it in her absence?" He suggested.

"B-but...that's against the rules, isn't it?"

Kanzaki smirked.

"Technically, would the school find out?"

Ayanokouji POV

I really hope those law-abiding honour students picked up on the hint I left them.

I had planned to stay with class C or D from the start, since I figured they'd be a bit more liberal with their points. And I was right.

This was paradise.

I was sipping my drink, and relaxing under the summer sun. What could possibly be better?

Well, I could think of one thing, at least.

My back hurt something terrible. Sleeping in a tent right above a rock did that to you.

I just had to sort this out.

"Ehem...Ryuuen-kun~" I called.

"What did you want?" The magenta haired boy answered me.

"Would you be a dear and...give me a massage?" I asked.

"Kukuku, you really think that I would just do your bidding?"

"Ah, well, it's just that I'm feeling incredibly sore, especially on my back. And...on my thighs." I said, brushing my hand across my right leg as I did so.

"Hmm. I suppose you're really desperate, then. Very well, I shall humour you."

I laid on my front, and let him massage my back.

"Mmmh...that feels good. Where did you learn that?" I asked.

"Nowhere, really. Just doing what feels right," he answered.

I decided to get down to business.

"So, Ryuuen-kun. What are you planning for this exam?" I asked.

"Kuku, I should've known. You're as cunning as ever, Kiyone," he said.

"Oh, are we on a first name basis now? Well then, Kakeru...what are you planning for this exam?" I asked again.

"Like I told you: I'm not planning anything. We're just here to enjoy our summer vacation," he said through a perfect poker face.

I can tell I won't get to him this way.

I turned onto my back, but I had forgotten to tell Kakeru to stop massaging, and now he had his fists planted upon my breasts.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji KiyoneWhere stories live. Discover now