Arc 3 chapter 5: start the party

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Skipping the rest of the explanation because time is of the essence.

Class B had arrived at a small well in a clearing a little ways through the forest on the other side of the island where we had departed from the boat.

"I think this is the perfect place to set up camp. What do you think, guys?" Ichinose asked.

There were a few nods in agreement. It was quite a good spot, in honesty. At least we didn't have to worry about drinking water.

"Now, just to claim the spot. We need a leader, though, don't we? Who should it be?" Asked Shibata.

"I-I think it should be Ichinose-san," Shiranami suggested. A few nods floated around.

"I think that's a bad idea. Ichinose-san is a much too obvious choice. It should be someone inconspicuous," said Kanzaki.

The leader didn't matter too much, anyway. It would almost be a better strategy to make someone who stood out as the leader, because the other classes wouldn't expect us
to make an obvious choice. Reverse psychology

"How about you make me the leader?" I asked.


"Perfect. Ayanokouji-san is responsible, and I don't think anyone would suspect her."

I was sent away with the keycard to go back to the beach, and gave it to Hoshinomiya-sensei when I arrived.

"Hello, Ayanokouji-san! Who did the class pick as the leader, then?" She asked.

"Me, Ayanokouji Kiyone," I said, clearly.

She put the card in a machine, and a few seconds later, it came back out with the words "Ayanokouji Kiyone" on the front.

As I was walking back to the camp, I noticed something strange.

There was a girl bent over, doing something near the base of a tree. I decided to take a closer look.

She was...digging a hole? Yeah, that's what it looked like. She put a plastic bag in the hole she had dug, and covered it back up.

She then turned around, and sat against the tree. Now I could see her face.

She had a definite mark near her eye, obviously an act of violence. It took me a moment, but I definitely recognised her. She was in class C, but I couldn't quite put a name to the face. She had short, light blue hair, and she was quite slim.

I noticed the slight curvature of her muscles, indicating that she was pretty fit.

A little ways ahead of me, I heard some people talking. A little while later, they came into view.

One I knew, and one I didn't know. There was a girl with very large breasts, pink hair and wore a pair of fake glasses. And the other was...umm...I really need to remember his name...Sudou's friend.

When they noticed the girl, they talked for a little while, and eventually she walked off with the two of them, probably back to class D's campsite.

Haha, were they stupid? It was obviously a set up. Perhaps class D are just a bunch of defectives after all. I'm glad my class would never do something like that.




Starting in class B: Ayanokouji KiyoneWhere stories live. Discover now