Arc 1 chapter 7: Horikita Manabu/muscle fetish

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"I'm the student council president. My name is Horikita Manabu," he said.

Horikita? Could he perhaps be related to Suzune? Perhaps the just happened to have the same surname.

"The student council is looking to recruit potential candidates among the first-year students to replace the graduating first years. Although no special qualifications are required for candidacy, we humbly ask that those considering application not be involved in any other club activities. We generally do not accept students involved elsewhere."

He spoke in a soft tone, but the tension around us was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. He managed to silence over a hundred new students in that spacious gymnasium. Of course, it wasn't his position as student council president that granted him this deference. That was simply Horikita Manabu's power. His presence dominated everyone around him.

"Furthermore, we in the student council do not wish to appoint anyone who possesses a naive outlook. Not only would such a person not be elected, he or she would sully the sanctity of the school. It is the student council's right and duty to enforce and amend the rules, but the school expects more than that. We gladly welcome those of you who understand this."

He didn't pause even once during his eloquent speech. Immediately after finishing, he hopped off the stage and left the gymnasium. None of the first-year students could utter a single word as we watched him go. We didn't know what would've happened if we'd tried to talk. Everyone in the room shared the same thought, apparently.

"Thank you all for coming. The club fair has ended. We will now open the reception area to anyone interested in signing up. Also, registration will be open until the end of April, so if any student wishes to join at a later date, we ask that you please bring the application form directly to the club you wish to join."

Thanks to the laid-back organiser, the tension in the air dissipated. Afterward, the third-year students who'd introduced their respective clubs started taking applications.

"Wow. That guy was certainly something, huh?" Asked Kanzaki.

"Yeah. He was intimidating," I muttered.

"Yo, Ayanokouji-san. You came, huh?"

As I was lost in thought, someone called out to me. It was Sudou. Two people who I didn't know were with him.

"Oh, hey Sudou-kun. Who are your friends?" I asked.

"Oh, this is Ike Kanji, and this is Yamauchi Haruki." They both smiled.

"Right. This is Kanzaki Ryuuji, he's in my class," I introduced Kanzaki.

"Good to meet you," Kanzaki said.

"So, you joined a club, too?"

"Oh, no, I just came to check things out. Wait, 'too'? Did you join a club, Sudou-kun?"

"Yeah, I've been playing basketball ever since elementary school. I thought I'd join the team here."

I knew he was athletic, judging by our short fight. Basketball was clearly his game.

"What about you two?"

"We just came because we felt it might be fun, you know?" He looked as though he was about to say something else, but I didn't inquire further. The look on his face suggested degeneracy.

"I have to say, that student council president was something else. He was so imposing. I got the feeling he ruled the place, you know?" He said.

(Yeah, he's the student council president, duh. The student council is more powerful than the illuminati)

"I know, right? He made everyone shut up without saying a single word. That kind of stuff is impossible," I replied.

Our groups separated after that. I walked back to the dorms with Kanzaki.

It'd been one week since entrance ceremony. That meant, for some reason, it was time for swim class. Swimming classes were co-ed. In other words, I would be showing off a lot of skin.

After lunch had ended, it was finally time for swim class. I went into the changing rooms with Ichinose and the other girls, while Kanzaki went off with the boys. I was so glad that there weren't any perverted boys in our class, unlike class D, where Ike and Yamauchi resided.

I promptly removed my uniform and started to change, showing my body. My body was more developed than the other girls due to some years of muscle training. Even in comparison to some of the boys, I could be considered muscular.

While the others wrapped themselves in bath towels, I wore only my underwear. While I was getting my swimsuit out of my bag, someone called over to me.

"A-Ayanokouji-san, you're pretty bold. Aren't you nervous around other people?"

I turned to see Shiranami Chihiro looking at me, red in the face. I knew already that she was a shy girl, and it was out of character for her to be asking me something like this.

"You can't get flustered every time you need to change. If you act all shifty, it'll have the opposite effect, usually. You become the centre of attention."

In these sorts of places, sneaky people got mocked.

A moment later, after I had finished changing, I left the locker room. Ichinose quickly followed suit.

Upon seeing the fifty-metre pool, Ichinose cried out, "woah, this school is something else! It's even better than the city pool, don't you think?" The water was clear and beautiful, and because it was indoors, we didn't have to worry about the weather. The perfect environment.

A few of the boys were already here. I waved to Kanzaki, who waved back.

"Hi guys!" Ichinose said.

She was clad in her school-issued swimwear, the same as I was. It nicely showed off her voluptuous figure. She must have been an E or F cup, at least. I didn't know for sure, but they were bigger than mine, at least. She was a lot bigger than I'd thought. Her butt and thighs were also more voluptuous than I pictured, which was strangely captivating. I quickly averted my gaze.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-san," said Kanzaki.

Kanzaki was in his school issued swimsuit. How to put it? Yeah. He looked good. Not bad at all. But if I stared, he would probably notice.


For some reason, he was checking me out all over. I looked at him quizzically, the word "pervert" about to come out of my mouth.

"Ayanokouji-san, how much did you say you exercise?"

"Huh? Yeah, um. Only a little bit, not much. In middle school, I was the kid who never had any after-school plans."

"Well, you say only a little, but...judging from the development of your forearms and your back muscles, you seem far above average."

"I guess my parents must have blessed me with good genes?"

"I don't think that's the only reason."

"Jeez, what's with you? Do you have a muscle fetish or something? Is that it?" I asked, flexing my biceps at him.

He laughed. "Haha,'re too funny."

He appeared somewhat satisfied. I guess that Kanzaki had a rather discerning eye and enjoyed using it.

Authors notes
1179 words.
Again, pretty much straight from the ln.
Ayanokouji/Kanzaki friendship actually reminds me of me and by bestie, now that I think about it.
Nothing much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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