Arc 3 chapter 4: twist

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"But, teacher, isn't this supposed to be our summer vacation?"

"We were brought here under the pretext of going on a relaxing trip. Don't you think that bringing us here and then springing this corporate training on us could be considered unfair?"

Some of the students began to protest along these lines.

"I see. I suppose that you're not wrong about that. I can understand why you would be discontented."

Mashima-sensei's response showed that he recognised the soundness of such an argument. There were students who were dissatisfied with the current situation, and those who were dissatisfied with the process as a whole.

"However, please do not worry. It would make sense for you to have complaints if you were being forced into a harsh situation. However, even though we're calling it a special test, there's no need to think about it in such unhappy terms. In the coming week, you can go swimming, or hold a barbecue. It wouldn't be a bad time for you to occasionally have a campfire and chat with friends, either. The theme of this special exam is 'freedom', after all."


"Huh? The theme is freedom?"

"We can have a barbecue?"

"Hmm? And this is still called a test?"

"I'm so confused..."

Even though this was a test, we were free to play. The contradiction confused the students, and our doubts only increased.

"As a major part of this special test, we've decided to distribute 300 points to each class. By using your points well, you might be able to enjoy this week's special test just as you would a normal trip. We've also prepared a manual just for that purpose."

Mashima-sensei received a booklet that looked to be a few dozen pages thick from another teacher.

"This manual lists all of the ways you can obtain points. It also explains where to get drinking water and food, as well as essential necessities. If you want to have a barbecue, it explains how to prepare the equipment and ingredients. We also have numerous tools for you to be able to enjoy playing in the ocean to the fullest."

Gradually, the students' grim expressions grew calmer.

"So, we can do whatever we want with the 300 points?"

"That's right. It's possible to arrange for anything using your points. Of course, it's necessary for you to use them in a systematic way, but with a solid plan, you can spend your weak without any difficulties."

If we could really get through the week by using the points we had, then this would be more like a vacation that a test. It might end up feeling like a real summer vacation.

"B-but, teacher. You said this was a test, right? So shouldn't there be some kind of difficulty to it?"

"No, there's nothing difficult. It won't even have any adverse effects on your second semester. I guarantee it."

"So it's really okay for us to just have fun for one week?"

"That's right. You're all free to do what you want. Of course, there are some bare minimum rules that you need to abide by as a group, but there shouldn't be anything difficult about that."

If that were true, then did that mean there was really no risk? In that case, we should ask if he could explain the purpose of this test. Was it linked to some exchange between grade levels? I couldn't understand the school's true intentions, but Mashima-sensei's next statement clarified everything.

"When this special test period is over, each class' remaining points will be added to their total class points. Your point totals will reflect this change once summer vacation is over."

As he spoke, a gust of wind blew across the beach and kicked up a cloud of dust.

Authors notes
632 words
Shorter chap, cos I gotta go somewhere now :/
Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was very busy 🙇
Your probably going to hear a lot less of me as the exam season is very fast approaching now.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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