The Awards Night

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Defne reached the podium to accept her award. This was her 3rd year in StillVagon and she has learned so much, sailed through so many difficult situations, and most importantly reunited with the love of her life while working for StillVagon. The company has given her so much that she will be forever grateful.

The Golden lady with Logistic Excellence award written on it was shining in her hand. She adjusted the mike and her strong voice rang through it for all the people around her.

"Hello everyone. I am very thankful to receive this honour today. I want to tell you all something. Growing up, we had very little money. From the very beginning of my teenage years, I worked as a waitress to make ends meet. It was an honest day's work. Nonetheless, I was lost. I couldn't go to college even after being selected for a renowned Designer course. I was sad for months but after some time, I forgot all about it and I made a world of myself where I no longer dreamt again. I was lost. Someone, a very special person made me find myself again. I started dreaming again. I gained my self-confidence again. There's a funny thing about self-confidence, once you start believing in yourself, there's no going back to your lost self again. All you need is to believe in yourself. Once you do that, with the right mentor, and proper guidance we all can cross mountains. My mentor shaped me, he knew my potential, the potential which even I had a tough time believing in. He guided me through storms, made me question myself, made me show the world the best version of myself. And for that, I am very grateful. I want all the children, especially little girls of our country to dream a little dream and have the courage to achieve it. Take it from who is working her way towards her dreams with the best people who inspire her every day, walking not in front or behind her, but with her."

"Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to me winning this award today. It wouldn't have been possible without any of you. Thank you!"

Defne scanned the crowd to find the dark eyes of her love, she found them with a little too intense emotion in them. She mouthed "I love you" looking at him, to which he replied "me too" very intensely.

The announcer looked at Defne cheekily and asked, "Do we know who your special person is Defne?"

Defne shook her head and left the podium with a grin.

Omer got up from his table and wanted to kiss and congratulate her by taking her in his arms, but she disappeared backstage.

Now let us call Ms Defne Topal and Ms Esra Karim to announce the Designer of the Year award. Defne's strong voice once again rang through the mic as she announced the winner.

"Mr Omer Iplikci" announced Defne proudly.

Omer got up from his seat and climbed the stairs not taking his eyes off Defne. He received the award from her hands, kissed her and Ms Esra on the cheeks, and went to give his thank you speech.

"Thank you, everyone. Today is a very very special day. I have had the honour of receiving this award from the most special person in my life. The inspiration behind all my designs is my muse. He looked towards Defne and smiled the smile that makes her lose every thought. The crowd stopped clapping, curious to know more.

At the same time, the announcer turned towards Omer and asked "Are you talking about Ms Defne Topal, Omer Bey? Are you both dating?"

"No, and No", replied Omer cheekily, raised his left hand to show his rings and announced in the mic "But we're married if that helps. Her name is Mrs Defne Topal-Iplikci and this woman is the mother of my sweet 6-month-old child" He pecked Defne on the lips and the crowd rose with applause for the young couple who looked so in love with each other.

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