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Omer was lost in his thoughts, paying very less attention to his college mates. He also kept checking his phone every two minutes as if expecting someone's message or call. Finally getting irritated by Omer's weird behaviour, Riccardo called the bartender to refill Omer's drink.

"Oh, Mio Dio. Who is that?" (Oh my god) exclaimed a whistling Riccardo looking at something or someone behind them. Omer followed Riccardo's admiring gaze and his heart skipped a beat as his vision landed on Defne looking so beautiful and sexy.

"Oh, Mio Dio (Oh my God) indeed!" Omer thought. She had worn a tight little red dress, which was too short for Omer's liking as he saw men around Defne ogling at her like predators. Watching Defne in red, with her red tresses unbound and wild, Omer swallowed as he found the place entirely too hot suddenly. Being uncomfortable, he removed the top button of his shirt and fanned himself. Her eyes met his across the room, and he could see the fire burning in them. She removed her gaze from his being, dismissing him and went near the bar to have a seat and order something to drink.

Omer sighed. She was still angry at him. Two days ago, they had come to Rome. Omer wanted Defne to visit Rome, to see all the places he had been to find a sense of peace whenever he had missed her. They had married almost three years ago, days after Defne told him that they were pregnant. The second time around, they had a small wedding held at his parent's hill house with only people who loved them and who really mattered in attendance. Defne had looked like an angel in her simple silk wedding dress and flower crown atop her head. Omer had opted for an all-white suit as well. He could still remember both of the times Defne had walked up to him in all her wedding glory. Omer will carry those memories to his grave. This time around, Defne was a little nervous and understandably so. He met her halfway, took her hand in his and kissed her cheek while telling her that she made him tremble. With his parent's blessings, all of their loved ones around, Iso and Sinan as their witnesses, he and Defne were married that day. He never believed in ceremonies and considered a wedding as just a formality. But there was literal love and magic in the air that day. He could just feel it.

Eight months later, their beautiful little Emine came into the world to spread more happiness. His breath hitches whenever he thinks of his little princess. She came into the world, having red hair and porcelain skin like her mother and his dark eyes, kicking and screaming, apparently, his little princess's temper also matched that of his wife's. The day he got married and the day Emine was born are the two most important days in his life. His life has changed after that, and for good. He couldn't imagine staying by himself now. He misses his girls like crazy whenever he goes away for business meetings. Emine is almost three years old now. She is at Turkan aunt's place getting her every whim and wishes catered to he was sure. He had just video called her half an hour ago. He was sure Defne was also late because she had been checking up on their little munchkin.

Defne, well she is angry at him. This afternoon, they had gone to a nearby café for lunch. When Defne had gone to use the loo, he met Giana there, a girl from his past. Giana pecked him on his lips as Defne came around the corner and witnessed the whole thing. To add fuel to the fire, Giana who had no knowledge that Omer was married and that his wife was standing behind them, suggested she could come to his place at the night for dinner in a not-so-very subtle way much to Omer's chagrin. By the time he had explained to Giana that he now is a very happily married man and he is here with his wife, Defne had walked out of the café fuming. On reaching their apartment, he saw her pacing as if to control her anger. She finally burst out on him and they had a huge fight. At some point, he told her this is a very silly topic and she is making mountain out of a molehill. That is when she went silent. She has not spoken a single word to him since this afternoon. And now she is ignoring him. Acting as if he is not just standing 4 feet away from her wearing that killer dress as if to torture him.

"I am in love my brother", declared Riccardo to Omer successfully breaking him out of his reverie.

At Omer's questioning gaze, Riccardo points towards Defne and says, "With her. Her beauty has compelled me to fall in love with her Omer."

As Omer is rolling his eyes at his friend's antics but also feeling somewhat annoyed with him for staring at his wife, he catches a glimpse of a guy getting close to Defne. He gets up from his seat to get a better visual and his blood turns to stone when he watches the guy put an arm around his wife, whispering something in her ear. Whatever he had said was not appropriate as he saw Defne getting visibly uncomfortable. Their fight be damned. Omer moves across the room and stands in front of her. She takes her gaze away from the guy who is about to lose his hand if he doesn't take it away from his wife's shoulders. On seeing Omer standing in front of her with his left eyebrow arched, waiting for her reaction. She quickly gets up, putting a distance between the man and Omer sensing Omer's anger. She takes his palm in hers to leave the place when she decides against it and turns towards the guy who was flirting with her.

"Marco" she calls out to the guy's name and says "this is my husband Omer Iplikci".

Marco's eyes widen at the information Defne had just provided. She then looks at Omer and says "Omer this is Marco."

Omer takes Marco's palm in his for a handshake, a very painful one for Marco, as Omer squeezes his hand very hard. On getting the message loud and clear from both Omer and Defne, Marco guy rushes from their vicinity giving a silly excuse.

Omer then gazes at his beautiful wife long and hard and says "Sevgilim (My Darling) I am sorry for this afternoon. Please I can't take this distance between us." pleaded Omer. He took her hand in his and kisses it lovingly. He continues "I get it now. I know now how you must have felt. I am sorry I dismissed your feelings of hurt so easily and called it silly. I promise my love, I will do and act better next time."

Defne jumps in Omer's arms before he even completes his apology. He kisses her neck, lightly biting it and smiles enjoying his lovely wife's embrace.

"Omer?!" exclaims Riccardo standing near them apparently wanting to know what in the hell is going on.

Omer breaks out of his wife's embrace and pulls her to his side while facing Riccardo.

He kisses Defne at the top of her head, looks at Ricardo and says, "Riccardo do you remember Defne? We had talked about her when I was in Italy few years back?", asks Omer to his very confused looking friend.

"Your Defne?  Yes" replies a very vary looking, Ricardo.

"This is her" smiles Omer as he proudly introduces Defne to his friend. "This is my Defne, my lover, my wife, mother of my child, my everything."

Realization crosses Riccardo's face and he smiles with embarrassment.

"You lucky bastard. I am very jealous but, in a way, I am also very happy for you, my friend." Ricardo whispers to Omer in his ear after giving a small nod of greeting to Defne.

"Omer. What did he say to you?" asks a confused looking Defne watching Riccardo leave the bar.

"Nothing Sevigilim. (darling) Come here Defne. I need you." replies Omer while taking his wife in a tight embrace with his lips curved in a huge smile, his face shining with love and happiness.

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