The name: Part One

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They were fighting again. Defne was in her sixth month of pregnancy. They were recently told by their gynaecologist that they are having a girl. They both were so relieved on hearing this. Defne who couldn't resist and did a little happy dance on the hospital bed and Omer who was on cloud nine almost joined her. The crippling fear of having to name their firstborn Koray was gone. Now that they knew they were having a girl, their happiness knew no bounds. It could single-handedly be the happiest day of his life. The baby suddenly started feeling very real.

He had started having visions of a red-haired little munchkin having his smile. They both decided they will come up with one name each and then whichever is the best name, their daughter will have that name.

After hours of research, Omer came up with the name "Eva", which means someone full of life, just like his Defne. Defne simply wanted to name their beautiful daughter "Yildiz", which means star. They both presented the names to each other. After hours of debate, they were still stuck on the names they have decided, not giving an inch to each other.

Next came the family members, they both or mainly Defne called all their family members to their home and presented the problem to them. Defne told them that they now have to decide which name will suit their daughter best by voting on it. All their loved ones looked perplexed and weren't very keen on participating in the voting process. But one look from Defne, to which Omer could only roll his eyes, all their family members took the pen and chit kept in front of them and started scribbling the name they liked the best.

Meanwhile, he told them they need not be scared by Defo and that they should write the name they really really like, all the while giving a side glare to his frustratingly lovely wife.

The results until now were 7 for Eva and 7 for Yildiz, making it a tie now. On opening the last chit, they find the name Koray written on the small piece of paper in bold letters, which was circled numerous times. Omer and Defne shot Koray with such a glare that he almost squirmed in his seat. They both forced him to pick one name, and him being Koray faked an anxiety attack and got out of there before choosing between Omer and Defne. Shortly after that all their family members also excused themselves one by one, with fake smiles on their faces, giving silly excuses.

The next day:

Omer had a very important meeting that day and had to leave early for the office but Defne was not ready at all. He had told her the day before about his meeting, and to think Defne was doing this on purpose further aggravated Omer's mood. Omer was as frustrated as, if not more than Defne. Because they were fighting, forget getting any action, he didn't even get Defne's big hugs and kisses since last week. Without Defne's affection, he had turned into a prickly bear. No one in the office dares to come near him these days, not even Sinan to not bear the brunt of his surly mood.

On noticing her in the kitchen, drinking milk and not puking her guts out, he got out of the house to get to the office without asking her the reason why she is staying in. He knows his behaviour is petty but he just couldn't help himself feeling annoyed at not being at the receiving end of Defne's adoring and loving gaze these days.

When Sukru on noticing Defne's absence asked if she is feeling fine today, if she is not feeling more exhausted due to the pregnancy, Omer felt like the biggest ***hole in the world. He is fighting with the love of his life, who is heavily pregnant with his child and for what? A name? She can name their daughter whatever she wants to. Defne being so petite is carrying their daughter with such ease and grace, Omer would give her the whole world if she asks. The right to decide the name of their firstborn is nothing. Decision made, he asks Sukru to turn the car, his meeting be damned and take him home.

He reached home, only to find it empty. He tried her cell phone to no avail as it was switched off. He searched the ground floor for a note from Defne. On not finding it, his anxiety reached its peak. They always write a note to each other while going out someplace apart from the office.

Later that day:

Omer is in full-on panic mode now. He had gone to the office thinking she will be there. But after half an hour wait, when she didn't show up, he went to her grandma's place. Not finding her there with no one having an idea about her whereabouts scared Omer. He along with their family members frantically tried to call anyone and everyone who could know where Defne is.

Sometime later, when Omer had calmed down a little, he noticed Iso's absence.

"Serdar!! Where is Iso?", he asked his brother-in-law.

"Iso, I don't know Omer. Haven't heard from him since morning", answered Serder while coming to the same conclusion as his brother-in-law.

Who else will Defne call to do crazy things for her? Iso and no one else.

From that point on, Omer, Serder, and Nihan all try to reach Iso to no avail.

Two hours later, Omer is sitting at Defne's house, a hand on his forehead worried out of his mind when Grandma Turkan brings him something to eat. Grandma Turkan doesn't take Omer's refusal to eat anything in this situation seriously and feeds him her tasty soup. She says worrying is not going to do them any good and to just have a little patience. The girl is stubborn not an idiot.

Omer smiles at that. His first smile for the extremely excruciating day. Just as he finished the last of the soup, his phone rang displaying Iso's name on the screen.

Omer picks up the phone on the first ring.

"Iso!! What the Hell Iso! Where are you? Where is Defne? Is she fine? What the hell man we are tearing our hair out here in worry and you are not picking up your phone." says Omer in a single breath.

"Omer (Brother) Kardesim. Your wife is crazy.," replies Iso in a frustrated tone which low-key tells Omer he has had it with Defne for today.

"Just tell me where you guys are. I'll be there as fast as you blink," says Omer desperately.

All he wants to do now is hug his Defne. He wants to look at her face and know that she is fine. This distance is killing him, and he can't handle it anymore.

"I wish you can kardesim. We are in Manisa at Defne's aunt's place. And this crazy pregnant lady had taken my phone from me in case I could call you guys and tell you about her whereabouts. I didn't even get to inform my wife Omer before leaving. I swear Defne gave me such murderous looks today, I thought I would get incinerated on this very spot."

"Please come here asap. I beg you brother."

"I'm on my way," says Omer in hurry and runs towardshis car.

-To be continued

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⏰ Huling update: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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