The Game (Pamir's POV)

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Pamir smiled as he watched Defne fluttering all over the floor, coordinating the next delivery consignment for StillVagonu. When Nariman aunt had come to him with her proposition, he was vary yet confident that this girl would be the same as every girl. Fickle. That's what all the women in his life apart from his mother have been. But Defne simply turned out to be the breath of fresh air. He started enjoying his conversations with her and he really liked spending time with her.

Few days ago, on the way to a party together, he had the biggest shock of his life. He got to know that his cousin, his tough no-nonsense cousin Omer and sweet Defne were lovers. They were married. Growing up with Omer had not been walk in the park. Omer was the guy every parent wanted, that every parent prayed for. He excelled in everything he did. He got any girl he wanted. In his entire life, Omer has always had had anything or everything, he ever wanted. Pamir was a little jealous of Omer from their childhood. Everyone always compared him with Omer. Its not easy living in anybody's shadow. Much less Omer's, who even though seems like a perfect guy, always truthful, yet even he isn't flawless. He has many flaws. He is egoistic. He has anger issues and he doesn't ever forgive anyone who doesn't live up to his expectations. These flaws were enough for Defne to slip right through his hands.

He couldn't for the life of him ever fathom his tough cousin Omer being in love. Maybe it was just an infatuation. Who knows? He for a fact knew, he couldn't just up and leave his partner behind without listening to anything she has to say, or without hearing her side of the story. Maybe Pamir himself has this practical point of view toward life because he doesn't believe in love. His father had made sure of that fact. His heart aches whenever he thinks of his father. The man has given him so many wounds. Wounds which have to lick in private, because he cannot let anybody, especially his angel of a mother know the ugly truth about his father.

He continues watching Defne with a peculiar expression on his face. Yesterday he watched Omer and Defne dance, forcefully on Defne's part. He agreed they had great chemistry and they looked good together. But their temparament is not suited. Omer keeps everything within him. While Defne wears her heart on her face. They both are as different as chalk and cheese. While, Pamir and Defne are quite similar. And on top of that Pamir's equation with Defne is great. He had a blast yesterday with Defne at the fair. He cannot remember any other time he had this much genuine fun with any woman, not counting the activities that occur in bed. He is very confident he will win this competition. The competition of winning Defne's heart. Because Omer always plays the game by following the rules. While Pamir is not one to follow rules. That's just not how he is as a person.

He will make Defne mad for him that for sure thinks Pamir while marching up towards the Passionis office, to attend their weekly meeting. When he enters Omer's cabin, he couldn't help but tease Omer about how tasty Defne's Dolmas were and how much he enjoyed them. The fact that Omer's expression turned steely just hearing Defne's name from his mouth, made him enjoy their conversation two-fold. Omer has always been this calm guy. He has never seen him lose control, except when he had stopped Defne and him on their way to the party.

The fact that just uttering Defne's name brings rise out of him makes him happy. He likes to shake the unshakable. Omer again warns Pamir to stay out of Defne's life. Pamir laughs off Omer's warning, reminding him about his challenge. He reminds Omer to play the game, and win it if he has it all and not give him hollow warnings.

"I am not going to play by the rules Pamir, not this time when my future depends on it," says Omer earnestly to Pamir when he is about to walk out of his cousin's office. This declaration by Omer shocks Pamir. He couldn't believe that Omer would break his precious rules,  leave his precious principles behind for anyone. But here he is, telling Pamir he cares little about rules where Defne is concerned. He then knows that Omer has really strong feelings for Defne.

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